Our President Is An Expression Of Our Consciousness
The Astrologer Daily: November 4th, 2012

The Six Keys to Living In Your Heart Place

By Peg Jonesrelationships

Your heart place is a place where you feel loved and feel at peace at all times. It is a place where the angels and your guides live too. There is no anger and hate there. There is no ego present either. It’s more of a place where you are thinking with your heart and not with your head. In the first part of the article, I will talk about the emotions and feeling that you may have, when not living in the heart place. The second part of the article will be the 6 keys of knowing you are living in your heart place.

Ways that you know you are not in your heart place are as follows:

1. Anger keeps you fully out of the heart place. When feeling anger, you feel very negative towards the person, you are angry with. You do not feel very peaceful, and sometimes it is very difficult in getting over the anger, you are  feeling towards someone. Sometimes stepping away from the anger, and feeling forgiveness towards that person, helps you to move on from that anger. This will help, in moving towards living, in the heart place.

2. Despair is another emotion or feeling that keeps you out of your heart place. Despair can be a type of hopeless feeling, which makes you feel totally helpless. Many times when feeling despair, we feel that we cannot get the help we need, because we feel no one can help us.

3. Sadness or grief can keep us out of the heart space, too. When we are sad or grieving, we are so overcome by that feeling, that we become totally paralyzed by that feeling. We tend to isolate and we may also become angry, on some level. Understanding that sadness or grief is a life transition of some sort, makes it easier to be in the positive, despite, the situation.

4. Hate is a very powerful word, but it is something that someone may feel, towards someone at one time or another. Hate is a very strong feeling, and can totally erase any type of positive emotion. Feeling hate is like a black cloud blocking you from feeling joyful at all times.

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