The Astrologer Daily: October 25th, 2012
The Relaxed Soul: The Power of the Loving Heart

The Path to Self- Mastery

By Luminessa Enjarathe-path-to-self-mastery

Living in today’s world seems to be for me, a day to day challenge. Now I am not saying that this is a bad thing, it just is what it is. I have over the past year referred to the term, “self-mastery” which has meant that I am able to master those aspects of my personality that sometimes seems to override my intuitive or higher mind.

I know that I chose to master this life in many ways. I knew from a very early age that I was on a spiritual self-mastery path. What this meant for me was that my soul set up all of the experiences in this life; the family I was born into and all of my life circumstances that would provide for me the catalysts I needed to master myself.

Mastery has many elements to it. When I first learned of self-mastery, through reading Autobiography of a Yogi, I thought it was about bi-location (being in two places at once), manifesting things from thin air and what are often called ‘the tricks of the trade.’ It is true that these things are things that some masters have done. But they are not primarily what self-mastery is all about.

 “What I learned much later was that true mastery is about being able to learn the lessons you create for yourself and to master them.”

It is about taking full responsibility for everything in your life, whether you consciously created it or not. This taking responsibility is just a matter of saying to yourself, “I know how powerful I am and I know that with complete integrity, I accept that I have created the reality I live in.” This means that regardless of how you or others may judge that reality, it was a product of your thoughts, beliefs, lineage etc. And yes, you created it.

“We are here, I believe, to be God in a body, God having a human experience, thus we can create and re-create ourselves and our lives anew each moment.”

Mastery comes from learning how to master one’s own tendencies to be anything less than are really meant to be which is whole, complete, powerful co-creators with each other and with life. So for me this translated into; learning how to stay centered, cultivating inner peace no matter what was occurring in my world or in the world,  grounding myself in my SELF, (the still ever present “isness” of all existence), quieting my mind and emotional body and learning how to stay centered by not giving way to the ‘story’ about anything.  This meant that I drop the story that I have identified myself with, what I have or have not accomplished and what that means, what my family did or did not do and how that affected me, and to stop judging myself for judging myself. I had to learn how to focus on the present moment.

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