The Astrologer Daily: November 3rd, 2012
The Six Keys to Living In Your Heart Place

Our President Is An Expression Of Our Consciousness

By Vedam Clementi elections

Here we are at yet another crossroads, a point where a major decision is being made once again. A crossroads that we revisit every four years, but have we learned anything? Have we not evolved enough to see what is actually happening?

I may not be favored for what I am about to say; however, it still needs to be said. Our president is a walking, talking expression of our mass consciousness as a nation. This expression is not exemplifying our highest, or truest nature, but yet the general state of our human, conditioned, thinking minds. Sadly, until we evolve individually, and collectively, we will continue to twist on issues that are based upon the illusions of need, conditionality, judgment, superiority and inferiority, and so forth. Sadly, we will continue to fight against each other. We will remain in the ‘me versus them’ mentality, and we will continue to spin on the same proverbial gerbil wheel! It is time to wake up, people. It is time to be more than your conditionings. It is time to start living in Oneness with each other. It is time to be the change we wish to see, and then our President and other leaders will exemplify that.

Look around you, and what do you see? You see democrats against republicans, and visa versa. You see conservatives holding onto their ideology, and predicting doom if things became too liberal. You hear hate from those who are clamoring for peace. Religious groups fighting among themselves to prove which is the most loving. You see religion and politics in the same bed together, fighting over the covers. ‘Them’ against ‘me’ everywhere you look. ‘They’ should. How dare ‘they.’ ‘They’ are being ridiculous. ‘They’ are out of control, THEY, THEY, THEY! You are looking at duality, separation, and judgment on a universal level because of the duality, separation and judgment that is occurring inside individual people, culminating as the collective, continuing to live a mind-based life rather than living their true essence of Oneness.

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