Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Letting Go
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
It’s a Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius at nearly 25 degrees at 6:25 pm PT.
The Third Quarter Moon reveals the left half of the Moon in the nighttime sky as the Moon continues its waning cycle. Psychologically speaking, you may feel a strong desire to clear out extraneous matter from your life. The cluttered areas in your closets, in your home, at your office or in your garage may suddenly feel like annoying obstructions to your precious space.
It would behoove you mentally to start cleaning and clearing out stuff you no longer want or need. Have a big garbage can nearby. Start tossing stuff out from your drawers. Donate a box or two of old clothes to charity. Don’t hold on to possessions from the past that no longer represent the person you are today.
This is a great time for letting go, not only of material goods, but also in other ways. Consider a dietary program where you can rid your body of toxins and possible heavy metals. Drink lots of fluids to eliminate waste from your bloodstream. Eat fibrous foods to ensure good digestion. See a psychotherapist to talk through the excess baggage that you’ve been carrying around all this time. Break out of a relationship that is keeping you from fulfilling your potential. This process of clearing out will help free you up emotionally and mentally, so you can see your life more clearly. The physical space you inhabit is a reflection of your soul, so if you’ve got old clutter to contend with, it doesn’t leave much room for new things.