The Astrologer Daily: October 11th, 2012

Health Benefits of Grape Leaves

A Very Healthy Food

By Dr Paul HaiderGrape-leaves

Grapes grow all over the world and area a very popular food in many different cultures… and grape leaves have lots of great health benefits that are wonderful!

Grape Leaves are full of Vitamins including A, C, E, K and lots of B Vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganeses, iron, and fiber too. Plus they are fat and cholesterol free and have very low sodium and sugar content. — Very Healthy!

Grape Leaves are wonderful for anyone suffering from chronic venous insufficiency, with lots of edema and swelling of the legs because their blood is not returning back to the heart correctly. And Grape Leaves help get rid of the swelling of edema and also the pain associated with this condition.

Grape Leaves are wonderful for anyone suffering from diabetes because they have a low glycemic index and don’t contain much sugar at all… so they are a good food for lowing blood sugar in general. Five Grape Leaves only contain about 14 calories so they are very low in calories too!

Grape Leaves are a good anti-inflammatory agent… working to get rid of all that chronic inflammation that causes heart disease, cancer, and other debilitating diseases.

Grape Leaves contain stilbene synthase which is a enzyme that helps create resveratrol in the body. And Grape Leaves also contain some resveratrol too!

Grape Leaves contain a good amount of Omega 3 Fatty acids like fish, and some Omega 6 fatty acids too… and science has show that if you eat foods high in Omega 3 acids you have a much lower probability of coming down with heart disease, strokes, arthritis, depression, and even prostate, breast, and colon cancer.

Grape Leaves in studies contain a chemical that keeps plaques from forming in the brain thus helping to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. And rats that were feed Grape Leaves had a lower rate of cellular death within the brain–Powerful!

Grape Leaves contain lots of antioxidants that bind up free radicals helping to slow that aging process and also prevent diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

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