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The Astrologer Daily: January 18th, 2013

Happy Birthday Kevin Costner!

By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

Kevin Costner Happy Birthday Kevin Costner!

Birthday Forecast for Kevin Costner

January 18th, 1955

What does the year ahead look like for your favorite famous person and anyone else born today…

Each year, right around the time of your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact position it was in at the moment of your birth. This is considered to be your own personal New Year, and it’s known as the Solar Return. Astrologers have found that if you study the positioning of all the planets at that moment — their relationships to each other and their placements in the signs — you can gain insight into the upcoming year, until the Sun returns again.

As you may have noticed, most people tend to feel pretty good on their birthdays, and that’s because of the positioning of the Sun. It’s a time of gifts, celebrations, milestones and reuniting with old (and new) friends and family. It’s a time to rejoice in all that’s happened in the past and to prepare for what’s to come. And the Solar Return reading (also known as a Solar Resolution) can help you prepare by providing explanations and advice about the influences of the year to come. More than a typical astrology forecast, the Solar Return is all about you and your place in this world. It offers a revealing look into the progression of your life and how you can make the most of the events to come — it’s a great way to celebrate your future!

Recognition and Rewards: The Sun

Sun conjunct Mars: Prepare To Get Your Way
If you’ve ever felt like getting your way, the next 12 months are what you’ve been waiting for. You’ve got a fire under you, and your energy levels are so high, you may find yourself wishing you didn’t have to sleep. This is really a time that’s all about you, and quite frankly, you’re determined to make sure everyone else knows that. As you’re scrambling your way up the career ladder — or into the arms of a loved one — remember to try to avoid stepping on people’s toes.When it comes to your career, you might as well pick a goal (or many) and go for it. Your chance of working your way to success is extremely high. You have just the right amount of ambition and adventure in you to take the big risks necessary for great achievements. Be sure to keep an eye on your temper — it could be your downfall. All the same rules apply to your love life. If you’re already with someone, your tremendous passion could very easily rekindle the romance. Just remember to give them a break sometimes, as they may have a hard time keeping up! If you’re still looking for the perfect someone, try to be considerate when you do find them — they’ve just been completely swept off their feet by you and are probably still trying to catch their breath.

Sun sextile Jupiter: Pleasant Times Ahead
You may feel lucky, but really, luck is nothing more than a positive state of mind. If you think things are working out well for you, then they probably are! And, lucky you, you’re going to have a whole year of that. You’ll have a great way of looking at the world around you, and you’ll have an open generosity that can only lead to good things for both you and those you care for.Indulge yourself with a class, and discover something new. This is also an ideal year for travel. Whether you head out for exotic lands or simply explore the areas around your home in more depth, you’ll be sure to enjoy the time and you’ll learn something unique and exciting. You might also want to take some time to volunteer, or, if you’re short on time, donate some money to the nonprofit of your choice. They can always use the help, and it’ll make you feel better about your place in the world.Romance, work and health will be favored by this aspect, as well — but then, what won’t be? Your relationships will flow smoothly, and you’ll find you get along well with everyone. Since everyone is pleased with you, they’ll want to do what they can to please you in return; it’s a good cycle to fall into.

Sun sextile Uranus: A Creative New You
Small changes can lead to big improvements. So what are you waiting for? The stars have blessed you with the power of some impressive creative thinking abilities, and they’re going to stay with you for an entire year. Use this skill to take stock of the world around you and figure out how to make it even better. Introduce yourself to new people and visit exotic locations — or even just start chatting up the checker at the supermarket. You never know where your next big idea could come from, and it helps to be as open as possible. Your love life is likely to improve, as well, if you use the same techniques. Heck, that checker may just be single or have a cute single friend. If you are already attached, your lover will appreciate a new approach to romance and dating.Because your mind is so sharp, though, you’ll want to keep a close eye on what you say; your words can cut if they’re said without thought. For the most part, your biggest challenge will just be bringing your crazy ideas into this world, and then taking the next step of turning them into something tangible. This will be an exciting year with lots of great opportunities!

Mind Expansion: Mercury

Mercury in Capricorn: Eliminating Cynicism
A structured and disciplined mind can accomplish a great deal, as you’ll soon discover. You’ll see patterns in everything you think about, which will provide an inherent organization to all of your work. Clear communications will be a snap, as others will easily understand anything you explain, and you’ll find there’s a certain sureness and confidence in your words. You might become a bit too traditional in your thinking, though, so you’ll want to work a little harder to keep your mind open to new ideas.Cynicism could play a role in your life, this year. A little bit of skepticism will keep you on your toes and allow you a more accurate account of your world. But cynicism can hold you back. You don’t want to become so mistrustful of others intentions that your mind turns into a destructive force, keeping out any new ideas or concepts. You may display formal communication styles and be a bit hesitant to share your thoughts and plans, but that doesn’t mean that anyone who isn’t like you has ulterior motives. Remain open to new ways of thinking, and be aware that inspiration and influential ideas can come in just about any form.

Mercury conjunct Pluto: Exploring The Depths Of Humanity
You’ll have a window to the deepest, darkest psyche of the world around you this year; it’s a fascinating perspective, but knowing so much could be scary both for you and for those close to you. Your mind will be able to penetrate some of the most disturbing levels of humanity, and you’ll come out the wiser for it — but the journey will be nothing less than extremely intense!What you consider to be superficial many will consider deep. What you consider to be deep will frighten others. What you consider frightening will probably be unspeakable. Add to this your incredibly powerful way with words, and you’ll quickly become a force to be reckoned with. You’ll be able to dig deep into any discussion or argument to come up with the most insightful, winning statement. And your secretive nature will keep everyone guessing about what’s going on inside that mind of yours. This is not really the time for romance or any type of relationship. It’s more of a time for you to plunge into the depths of your mind, as well as that of everyone else, to learn what you can about yourself and the people sharing this planet with you. When you finally emerge you’ll be leagues ahead of all others.

Mercury square Jupiter: Keep It Real
Exaggeration. Hyperbole. They’re great for stories, but not so great when it comes to real life. Throughout the year, you’ll notice that you’re tempted to resort to such fanciful descriptions of yourself and your life, but you’ll need to avoid that temptation. No one is impressed by falsehoods, and they could just come back to bite you if you’re not careful.Instead, try to focus on exactly what’s really happening around you. Your brainpower is incredibly strong right now, if you use it correctly. Take a look at the big picture this year. You’ll have a clear vision of what’s really going on and how you can use this reality to improve your future. There’s no need for exaggerating or bragging, and in the end these could hurt you more than help.You’ll also discover that you can get further if you spend a little extra time with your mouth closed and your ears open. Much as you love the sound of your own voice, your superiors and loved ones will appreciate your attempts to really hear what they have to say. Even better will be just how much you can learn from listening to others.

Mercury square Uranus: A Wild And Crazy Mind
Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the speed of life; and sometimes it’s hard for the speed of life to keep up with you. For the next year, you’re going to be bouncing back and forth between trying to catch up with your own mind and waiting impatiently for everyone else to catch up. It could be a frustrating year with lots of changes in plans, and you’ll need to remember to be as open and flexible as possible.This will be a wild year as the rebel deep within your mind will crave action. That little demon will push you toward the outer limits of respectability and you’ll challenge society’s norms with your crazy notions. However, you’ll have a hard time letting any of your thoughts focus onto anything beyond mere speculation, and accomplishing something concrete may require abilities that will be beyond your capacity. You’ll have a lot of nervous energy keeping you up at night, and this will continue until you can learn to separate your intuition from your logical mind. Although logic will seem crucial to you, you won’t really get anywhere until you can accept that sometimes you need to listen to your instincts — even when they counter every rational thought in your body.

Love and Romance: Venus

Venus in Sagittarius: Forget Commitment
Who could possibly want to be tied down when there are so many options out there to explore? If you don’t feel that way yet, you will soon. This will be a year of constant change and new experiences for you, and you won’t want to waste your time on anything that remains the same for too long. While this may not be an ideal situation for serious relationships, you can bet you’ll have a lot of fun. In fact, if possible, you should probably try to avoid commitment all together — it just won’t be your thing. You’ll be much more interested in going out with as many people as possible and moving around frequently.Travel will certainly be high on your list of things to do, and the more places you can visit, the happier you’ll be. You might even want to consider a foreign romance. If you can’t get to a foreign country, then go out with someone who’s visiting your town. A little taste of something different will be quite satisfying. Keep an eye on how you deal with money throughout your escapades, though. You’ll be awfully tempted to just throw it around, but don’t let yourself go overboard. Something like Las Vegas is a lot of fun, but it’s not a dependable way to improve your financial situation.

Ambition and Desire: Mars

Mars in Aquarius: Radical Energies
Intellectually, you will be a visionary and radical thinker. Sexually, there are two directions you might take. On the one hand, you might wish to turn off your desires all together in an effort to allow your mental capacities to expand to their fullest extent. Alternatively, you may go in the opposite direction and take a more kinky approach to your sexual encounters. You’ll be as turned on by the mental involvement as by the physical, and you’ll be willing to try almost anything once.In the rest of your life, you’ll be just as unusual. Your energy will be radical and you’ll enjoy arguing points of view. In fact, you may even argue a point to its completion even though you don’t actually agree with what you’re saying. You will consider yourself a staunch individualist, you’ll fight against authority and you’ll struggle for freedom. The norms of society will drive you batty, and you’ll go deliberately out of your way in order to free yourself from what you perceive as restrictions. This could all result in a bit of trouble. You must remember to maintain a sense of maturity and only protect your individuality when it’s really necessary. Pick your battles wisely.

Mars sextile Jupiter: Happy Energy
Exuberant, energetic, cheerful. Yep, that’ll be you for the next 12 months — give or take an off day here and there, of course. For the most part, though, you’ll be ready and eager to take charge of your life and expand your mind and your opportunities. That, in turn, will help you make great improvements to your love life, your career and even your finances. So get ready to actually want to get up each morning and face your day.The two things that will really make this a great year will be your never-ending supply of energy and your unfailingly positive attitude — you could actually become the person who drives everyone else crazy with your constant cheerfulness! How can you be so happy? Well, why not? Your sexual energy will either help you meet someone new or please your current significant other. Your excitement about your work will inspire you to go above and beyond the call of duty, pleasing your superiors to no end. You’ll be willing to take risks that will result in big payoffs. The opportunities will just keep coming to you, and you really have no choice but to be ridiculously happy about everything that goes on around you.

Mars sextile Uranus: Rebellious Improvements
It’s been said that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Though you’ll certainly fall under the category of fool this year, few people will be able to fault you for it. You’ll have an original and unique take on the world around you, and you’ll come up with innovative and successful approaches to tried and true methods. And this won’t just be about how to make a better TV (though it could be). You’ll be on a mission to improve the world. You’ll have beliefs to stand up for, and you may find yourself becoming something of a freedom-fighter.Your creative thoughts will fuel a fire toward a brighter tomorrow, but this year, your cause will probably still be unfamiliar to most and, therefore, seem a bit radical. In reality, this is because you’ll have a very forward-thinking bent. In time everyone else will catch up (due, at least in part, to your incredible efforts), but in the meantime, you’ll have to deal with working in defense of your cause. If possible, use this as a positive outlet for that rebellious, fighting spirit that will be building up within you. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to channel your rebel qualities into making a real difference in the world.

Travel and Finding Truth: Jupiter

Jupiter in Pisces: A Higher Consciousness
Your soul, your subconscious, your inner being — they’ll all be amplified this year to play a greater role in your conscious world. You’ll find yourself tuning in to a higher consciousness and increasing your awareness of everything around you as you work to develop a stronger connection with others. From friends to family to lovers to strangers, you’ll create a bond based on philosophical and religious beliefs. Your faith, regardless of what it is, will be a bridge to a stronger understanding of your world.Let your intuition guide you as you move through the year. It will allow you to show the compassion necessary to strengthen your bond with others, and your empathy will help you come up with ideas to help solve some of humanity’s greatest problems. Pay close attention to what your instincts tell you. There are times to use logic to develop solutions, and there are times to throw reason to the wind and listen to your gut. This will be a time to follow whatever comes from within. There will plenty of ideas and concepts bubbling up within you. If you can’t discuss them in a group, then turn to music and poetry to express yourself.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus: A Futuristic Mind
One of the most amazing aspects of science fiction is that a certain portion of it somehow ends up being true years and years later. That’s how your mind will be working in the coming months — it’ll just be so far out there that your ideas will seem like fiction, but wait a few years and suddenly everyone will realize just how right you were. Your mind will be working in hyperdrive, and it might be a good idea for you to write everything down so everyone else will have an easier time catching up later.Spend as much of your time traveling as possible, as new locations and cultures will enhance your imagination and bring even crazier ideas to the forefront. Living for the present may be difficult this year, so go ahead and let your mind wander into uncharted territory. Take advantage of your incredible technical savvy at work and wow your superiors with your brilliant solutions to age-old problems. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for love, try to find someone who can share your vision of the future. Or, if you’re already part of a happy couple, you should talk everything through with your partner so they’ll understand what’s going on in that head of yours.

Jupiter square Pluto: Unplanned Successes
Struggling to work effectively with people in power will start to feel second nature to you. You’ll have a strong drive to succeed and to reach high levels of power yourself, but it will begin to feel like others are purposely trying to hold you back. That may or may not be true, but what your true focus should be on is your own personal growth. If someone blocks one path, then you must decide whether to defend yourself or find another path. You may be tempted to choose the former, but look carefully at the situation before making a decision. Either this person is really out to get you, or they’re stopping you for a reason, and in either case, you may want to step aside and let them have their way.That could be the hardest lesson for you to learn this year. Your own desire for power and your tendency to overreact will make it extremely difficult for you to just step back from your plans because someone else said so. Avoid becoming too obsessed about a particular plan or goal, and try to remain open to change. Your challenge will be to find a common source between your goals and those of others. When you’ve achieved that, you’ll know you’ve accomplished what the stars had in mind for you this year, and that could result in some unplanned successes.

Responsibilities and Restriction: Saturn

Saturn in Libra: Hard Decisions
Indecision is waking up, shaking itself off and getting ready to rear its ugly head. You might want to prepare yourself for a lot of unpleasant decisions in the coming months. That doesn’t mean that you’ll have to choose between a rock and a hard place, but choosing between something like two people with whom you’re in love is never a fun choice to make either. As you struggle to deal with whatever options are placed in front of you, you may begin to suffer from feelings of self-doubt.The first step toward fixing these issues will be to accept that they exist. If you’re in denial about any of your fears — and those include fears of compromising yourself or losing your balance in life, as well as indecision — your world will only become more complex. On the other hand, if you can face your fears and come to terms with them, you’ll have a much healthier approach to the decisions you have to make, which will help make your future choices much easier to deal with. Taking on a responsible perspective with your options will also allow a natural balance to come back to your life, almost without any extra effort from you.

This Year’s Karma: North Node

North Node in Capricorn: The Foundation Of Life
A structured life is one that can progress forward at a pleasant and constant rate. In order to achieve this, you’ll need to learn to ground yourself and build a reliable foundation, which you can use as your base. That could involve adding more to your savings account, working to establish a healthy, balanced relationship with your family or making yourself even more valuable at work. You may have displayed a certain level of dependence on others in the past, but this year you will work to become much more self-sufficient.To do this, you will need to set goals for yourself and become a stickler about following through with them. You must be disciplined and hardworking, and you’ll want to prepare for both short-term and long-term plans. Take your time establishing your goals and then working towards them; none of this needs to be rushed. Instead, a slow and steady pace will help guarantee that you achieve your ambitions without accidentally throwing a stick in the wheel. As you reach a level of greater responsibility, you’ll find that not only will you achieve your goals, but your position in society will improve as well.

Broader Influences

Neptune in Aquarius: Cyber-enlightenment
Enlightenment and technology will come together for you this year, as you seek to achieve a higher state of human connection through the use of global technology and advancements. You will desire a spiritual unity of all people, and you will use such progressive tools as the Internet and computers to achieve your goal. This is the first time in recorded history that such an enormous human connection could even be considered, and you will be at the forefront, helping to make it all come together.Even more exciting is the possibility to experience such large-scale communities and interactions, while still maintaining your individual space. You will break down older New Age concepts and begin establishing entirely new ones in which the individual can connect and remain alone at the same time. If you haven’t already, join some cyber-organizations and start chatting. You can also use the coming year to familiarize yourself with, or improve your skills at graphic design. That’s a great channel for combining your creative imagination with the complexities of computer technology and ability. Just be sure all of your experiences are your own and that you don’t get too influenced or disillusioned by some of the other people out there.

Pluto in Capricorn: Societal Transformation
Your mission for the year will be a total overhaul of all the outmoded forms of society that can no longer measure up or function as they’re supposed to. Sound like a big job? It is. But you can start by just focusing on the structure of your own life and trying to transform that before you even attempt to tackle societal issues. One of the key areas you might want to look at improving, though, will be your social status. The higher you can raise your social standing, the more freedom you’ll have to make more necessary changes later on.In fact, if you can increase your social status, you’ll actually be on the path to breaking up some of society’s most useless structures, which involve placing power in a small minority. Your goal is to work your way into that minority and try to break it up from the inside. Again, this is by no means a small task, and you should only focus on your own life this year. Maybe a promotion at work can help you reset some of your corporate structures, giving you practice for a bigger job later on. If you want to jump right in to freeing society from the power of the social elites, then see what kind of luck you can have in your own town. Volunteer for an elected official or get your own name on the ballot for the next election.

Uranus in Pisces: Voice Of Your Subconscious
Dreams are sometimes tossed aside as overactive mental residue from the day. However, they represent a powerful tool for progressing and moving into the future. Your dreams are the voice of your subconscious. And for these next 12 months, the inner workings of your mind will come through most effectively while you sleep. Keep a dream journal by your bed, and be prepared to write anything and everything down — you never know when the next great idea for improving our culture might flash by in the night.You must be flexible and intuitive as you use your mental powers to help move society forward. That’s a very tall order for one person, but you are not alone. Far from it. Your powers will be especially effective when it comes to health technology and spiritual awareness. If you’re not already in the health industry, you can certainly volunteer your time at charity organizations like the Red Cross and offer up your creative and compassionate services there. Or you might want to focus more on the spiritual side of things. You’ll have a very influential side, and you’ll have no trouble assisting others as they make their way down their own spiritual paths.

The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

OMTimes Astrology
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