Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 29, 2014
Earthbound Spirit vs Crossed-Over Spirit

Grand Cross aftermath

Grand Cross aftermath

The Cardinal Grand Cross was /is an incredible event that holds the promise of many new beginnings for all the signs of the Zodiac. Because it was a powerful event, its effects will be felt  until September. We shall say that the  year 2014 has not been an easy pease  one. The many retrogrades, intense oppositions and two Eclipses packed in Less than six months certainly bring us to a point of extreme sensitivity and purification. Check now with Steve Judd about what to expect and what to look for the next months.

Steve Judd is a consultant diagnostic Astrologer and has spent the last 35 years doing abnormal astrology. The videos on this channel are a very small part of his mission to teach the world Astrology.





OMTimes Astrology
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