The Ego, The Soul and The Monad
Pain, Your Mind and How it Works

Fear! The Most Misunderstood Feeling Part 2

By Vedam ClementiFear-part-2

Fear is the most misunderstood feeling you will experience in your lifetime. It is also the most debilitating emotion that will ever pass through your body. It can stop you in your tracks, it can confuse you, it can make you act like a fool, and it can even paralyze you.

In Part One, I discussed fear being one of the five feelings a person experiences within their lifetime. Fear, like every feeling tells you about yourself, and the relationship you are having with any given moment or situation. Fear does not need to be feared but rather understood, and then responded to with Awareness. (If you missed part one, you can find it at Fear! The Most Misunderstood Feeling Part 1).

Fear: the Psyche/Somatic Dance

Fear is part of a psyche/somatic dance that take place between the mind and the body. Fear begins as a thought, and that thought creates a feeling felt in the body. It is quite normal and natural; however, some people begin to become involved with the sensations moving through their bodies, and become more focused on the sensations rather than paying attention to the message behind the fear. As the message arises, the body begins to produce hormones like adrenaline to support you through the situation. Adrenaline is produced to help you go ‘above and beyond’ your normal capabilities. This hormone can upset the stomach. Many times, people believe the stomach is upset because of the fear, and become engaged with that, further losing sight of the message behind the fear. This is another reason to do your best to remain in your Awareness during the fear, so you can move through the fear with as much grace and ease as possible, and understand its true purpose. It is worth noting here that the production of this hormone is normal and natural; however, it is not natural or healthy for the body to live in a persistent state of producing or processing adrenaline for long periods of time. It is much like too much current running through something that is not designed to process that much current. It will burn it out or blow it up. It does the same things to you physically when you are predominantly living in a state of fear.

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