The Astrologer Daily: September 14th, 2012
How to Attract, Create and Live with Lasting Love

Breaking Ties: Connections with Crystals

Excerpt from Crystal Medicine – A Clinical Approach to Healing Mind, Body, Spirit

By Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Acbreaking-ties

Negative attachments to our soul and energy fields can eventually become detrimental to our physical health and well-being. Negative thought patterns and emotions are toxic. What’s worse? Those around you with the same negative energy will take its toll on your spirit. We all know energy vampires! You can sense them draining energy from you with each word they utter.

Mindful Meditation with Kyanite

Mindfulness is the act of being fully aware of what happens in each moment. In this meditation, you remain alert, allowing thoughts to rise to the surface, being aware of them without judging them or interpreting their contents.

Place a piece of kyanite on the Third Eye.

Place another piece of kyanite above the Crown Chakra.

Close your eyes.

Concentrate on your breathing.

Take your focus from the squalor around you to the focus of your breath coming from within. Thoughts will tend to come up.

You simply say the word “thinking” when thoughts arise.

You’ll find that without your attachment to these thoughts, they won’t stick around long. To sharpen the focus of your meditation, you can label your thoughts, future, past, planning, fantasies, worrying…as they pass through and then release them.

A gem essence mister is a great way to clear ties and break immediate connections that are negative. A gem essence can clear the air of negative energy and allows strength at the same time.

My favorite crystals for a tie breaking mist are dioptase, which is heart healing and quartz crystal, which is a master healing stone. Releasing “emotional knot”, which attack the Solar Plexus Chakra and “eat away” at us, is the key to re-balancing your energies. Physical symptoms such as ulcers, acid reflux stomach ache or pain, poor bowel movements are very common.

Protect the solar plexus with a deep yellow piece of citrine.

Make a gem elixir of citrine and quartz and massage it into the solar plexus.

Avoid acidic foods that add to the acidic emotions around you.

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