How to Hear Messages from Your Angels
Weekly Rune Reading for week of March 30, 2014.

Astrology for the two next days- with Jean Wiley

Astrology for the two next days- with Jean Wiley

Friday, March 28th: Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto early in the a.m. bridging mind with soul, thought with perception and intellect with instinct. A powerful day for insights and problem solving breakthroughs. Which, is just as well due to the Venus Saturn square that is exact on Saturday while in trine to Mars. Saturn is the energy that addresses our fears, limitations, commitments and reality structures. So, the question may be – where am I limiting myself, not valuing myself and fearful to ask/expect more? Mars connection with Venus says “yes, you can ask for what you want and still be worthy of love and abundance.”

The Moon continues to travel through limitless Pisces and makes flowing connections as we head into mid-afternoon Friday EST. She finishes her day with a conjunction to Mercury and then Chiron towards 8:30 p.m. EST. We may feel more willing/available to discuss our emotional landscape and show our hurts/vulnerabilities.

SUNDAY is the New Moon in Aries and initiating energy that conjuncts Uranus (the awakener/freedom lover/innovator) squares Jupiter (where do we need more faith without the need for exaggeration and dissipation of emotional resources) and squares Pluto (what is in decay/seeks release and transformation)? Powerful! Love thyself.

  Jean Wiley is an Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach who helps people get clear on who they are and what they need versus what they feel is expected of them.  The goal?  Feeling free to embrace passion. Jean Wiley has been an Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach who helps people get clear on who they are and what they need versus what they feel is expected of them, since the mid-90’s.  At 10 years of age she picked up her first astrology book and has been engaged in the journey of personal energy patterns ever since.  She is the author of two books on dreaming.

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