Weekly Rune Reading for March 2, 2014.
Spiritual Guidance March 2014

Your Angel Messages for March 3 – 9 with Doreen Virtue

Your Angel Messages for March 3 – 9 with Doreen Virtue

This is a DIY week (Do it Yourself), where the power of your own thoughts determines what kind of week you will have. Positive thoughts are — even more than normal — the key to enjoying an amazing week! This week, there’s an energy opening where your thoughts are rapidly manifesting into form, so be sure to only affirm what you desire (instead of what you fear).

Any time you begin a sentence with the words: “I AM,” be sure to complete the sentence with loving and kind words about yourself. Please also select positive words and thoughts regarding world situations, to help uplift situations with prayer.

This can be a GREAT week filled with happiness and amazing opportunities, provided you focus upon the positive possibilities. When gifts and opportunities are offered to you, be sure to accept them, and know that you’re ready and deserving of these gifts.

Stay positive and high vibrating by: Avoiding energy toxins such as gossip, negative media, and anything or anyone that could pull you down. You’ve got a big life purpose to fulfill, and we need you to stay on track to fulfill it.

On Wednesday of this week (March 5), be sure to join Doreen for the world premiere of the Assertiveness for Earth Angels course! You can read all the details and enroll instantly at: www.hayhouse.com/assertiveness-for-earth­-angels-series-1 You can also take the course via download at your own schedule. Once you enroll in the class, please join us at: facebook.com/AssertivenessForEarthAngels where Doreen and the other participants will gather for support, teachings, encouragement, and friendship.


OMTimes Astrology
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