Intuitive Tarot Reading 11 February 2015
Horoscope for Thursday, February 12, 2015

Astrology Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday – Jean Wiley

Astrology Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday – Jean Wiley

Wednesday, February 11th: Surfacing after a period of retracing steps, thoughts, plans and next steps. Like a road trip where things have been lost along the way, you have retraced your travels, gathering lost items/people/insights and will soon be manifesting this period of introspection in your external world as Mercury turns direct today at 9:51 a.m. EST (at 1 degree Aquarius). These review periods are part of life (roughly 6 months out of the year including the shadow periods – till March 4th) and represent gestation periods before another level of understanding and implementation commences. Yes, the mind is operating under a foggy haze on the day prior, of and after this direction change. But, with the elongated and deep focus in the sign of Aquarius you know something important is about to be birthed regarding your humanity, group participation, future drives, goals and friendship needs.

The Moon is still traveling through transformative Scorpio making predominately harmonious aspects through the day to Pluto, Chiron and Venus – transformation, compassion and values.

On THURSDAY the Moon in Scorpio is VOID (nothing of consequence) until just before Noon EST when she transits into the sign of knowledge, expansion, beliefs and religion, Sagittarius. Emotional responsibility, coolness, limitation and/or family issues may surface as the Moon conjuncts Saturn at 7:34 p.m. EST. Venus is in conjunction to the planet of passion Eros (19 degrees Pisces) where the duo seeks a return to paradise and union with the divine. Value is sought in merging with the other, your art and your soul.

OMTimes Astrology
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