Your Angel Messages July 20 – 26, 2015 by Doreen Virtue
Your Angel Messages July 20 – 26, 2015 by Doreen Virtue
The energy gateway for manifestation is still open, and it’s responding to your intentions and expectations.
This week, it’s especially important to approach everything with optimism and faith. Worry can block and stop you, so keep giving fears to God for healing and releasing. You don’t want to mismanifest fears into form, so keep a watch on your feelings and thoughts so you can immediately purge weeds from the garden.
Your manifestations will go better if you can partner with someone who has strengths and knowledge that would compliment your projects. Cooperation, compassion, forgiveness, and equality with this partner is essential for the partnership to be enjoyable and successful.
Notes: In this reading, Doreen is working with the Archangels Power Tarot Cards co-authored by Radleigh Valentine. The cards are available worldwide at stores and app stores, including at:
Doreen is accompanied by her two orange kitties, Pumpkin and Peaches.
Doreen is wearing a vintage top, and an angel necklace by Pamelia Designs at:
Doreen’s daily angel card readings are at: or on the Instagram App at DoreenVirtue
Doreen’s new online video class, “How to Let Go and Forgive” is available at:
About Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue, author of books and oracle cards about angels, conducts weekly videos where she draws oracle cards, as well as filmed meditations, workshops, and music. PLEASE NOTE: If you have questions for or about Doreen and her work, please send them to, instead of through this YouTube channel where messages are unmonitored.