Your Angel Messages December 14 – 20, 2015 by Doreen Virtue
Releasing and clearing are the themes this week, as you’ll recognize and let go of old toxic patterns. Some of these patterns are old, and this week you’ll recognize them, and will finally let them go.
It’s about letting go of blocks to your happiness, health, and purpose.
As you go through the process of clearing away the old, be conscious to only use positive words — no complaining about lack. Only affirm abundance as you speak or write.
There’s also a message to be extra-careful to only listen to positive messages this week. Positive music lyrics, positive conversations, positive media only.
This is an important week in preparation of greater intensity which is around the corner during Christmas week, with the Mercury Retrograde pre-shadow and the full moon. It’s nothing to fear, but it is something to prepare for now through detoxing your diet and lifestyle as much as possible. It’s about being strong and centered.
Notes: In this video, Doreen is working with the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, available at bookstores and iTunes and Android App Stores, including at:
Here is the blog about sage and smudging that Doreen referenced in the video:…
This video features Precious Kitty the 4 year old Pomeranian dog; Sammy the Siamese rescue cat; and Ariel, the African grey bird. At the very end of the video, you can see Sammy crouching, ready to pounce upon Pumpkin, the fluffy orange rescue cat who is in the plants. So Pumpkin made an appearance in the video by way of getting Sammy to react to him.