When We Let Go of the Ten Commandments
When We Let Go of the Ten Commandments
by Christine Horner
In an advanced culture, laws are minimally required. Decrees would be regarded more as a form of a mutually agreed upon code of conduct for society to manage collective resources, commons, and well-being. The number of laws a civilization requires marks the maturity level of those able to demonstrate practicality in the physical world and also the Law of Love of the metaphysical world as ascribed to by the Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Maharshi, and countless others.
A fully self-actualized, sovereign being acts out of Unity Consciousness—what you do for your neighbor, you do for yourself. It would immediately be recognized that Creation (w) holistically harmonizes together cooperatively and that you are only as strong as your weakest link.
Third-dimensional Ten Commandments, a simplistic, compulsory moral code of conduct for carrying mankind beyond its animalistic tendencies, now moves into fifth dimensional consciousness as the “Thou shalt nots…” become “Thou doths…” We evolve from fear-based rule of law, which tells us what not to do, to love-based imperatives of the heart demonstrating what is natural to do from a state of co-creative BE-ing. Mandates subject to penalty become freedoms subject to reward. More accurately, one is simply accepting the gifts already given.
The Ten Freedoms of Conscious Co-Creation
1) Thou doth knowest all of Creation as God.
2) Thou doth knowest Thyself as ONE with all of Creation as God.
3) Thou honors Thyself and all of Creation as God.
The post When We Let Go of the Ten Commandments appeared first on OMTimes Magazine.