Venus trine Mars: Love and Be Loved
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
Venus at 9 degrees Taurus forms a trine to Mars at 9 degrees Virgo at 12:29 am PT. This aspect is part of a Grand Earth Trine also involving Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn.
Life flows very smoothly for these few days, perhaps a little too smoothly. Don’t get spoiled; it won’t last forever. Just a few days, in fact! This transit helps us get what we want, so we need to be careful to identify what it is we truly want and need! This is a time to love and be loved.
Sexual energy runs strong, but so does the need for simple physical affection and emotional connection. Right now we’re able to find the compromise between the urgent desire for contact and the rules of society. We’re both confident and charming, creating the perfect conditions for schmoozing.
Calling upon our dynamic inner diplomat will be very effective now, too, as will any efforts toward mediation and compromise. Physical work engaged in creative pursuits is most valuable. Our efforts pay off. Try dancing, even if you’re alone. Especially if you’re alone!
If you have Venus trine Mars as a natal aspect:
Male and female, yang and yin, animus and anima — you’ve got a good balance of these complementary energies in your life. You act appropriately, with a good sense of when to be assertive and when to capitulate or cooperate. You like friendly competition, such as athletic events, games or any activity where you match your skill and wits with others’.
You know how to have a good time without going over the top. Naturally, you’re usually on the list when people send out invitations for parties, because just about everyone likes to be around you. When it comes to romance and relationships, this is an area where you do not lack experience.
You’re warm and friendly and fun to be around, so you’re quite attractive and may not realize the erotic charge you exude. You may be a little impulsive in this department, frequently or spontaneously hooking up with someone new, having more than one relationship at a time or even being involved in the occasional scandal.
Your libido runs strong so it’s not surprising that a lot of your energy is devoted to keeping physically fit, enjoying activities such as dancing and definitely participating in lusty adventures. This aspect lends a strong creative streak as well as a huge capacity for pleasure.