Sun opposite Mars: Confrontation
The Astrologer Daily: March 4th, 2012

Venus opposite Saturn: Inhibited

By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

Venus opposite Saturn: Inhibited

Venus at 29 degrees Aries forms an opposition to Saturn at 29 degrees Libra at 3:18 am PT.

Negotiations are tricky at this time and difficult choices must be made. We can compromise without feeling that we are the loser. Everyone gives up something, but they also get something in return.

Duties and obligations preclude social activities right now. Many of us end up staying late at work. When someone there gives us their honest appraisal of our work, we should pause and listen. This is a gift.

Money feels tight at this time, too, so we may have to survive on less than usual. We can actually take pride in this Spartan existence. It’s amazing how little a person really needs to get by, especially on a temporary basis. We’re capable of saying no to ourselves just to say no. So this is the thing they call self-discipline!

It’s probably best simply to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get moving. Any pessimistic energy will soon pass.

If you have Venus opposite Saturn as a natal aspect:

Love and relationships cause a lot of trouble and grief for you. You long for a close, intimate relationship but there are many obstacles in fulfilling this goal. You may have some deep-rooted negative beliefs about love; you might see yourself as inhibited or inexperienced in love, feel unattractive or unlovable, or shield yourself from others in order to protect yourself from the possibility of intimacy.

If you don’t suffer from these problems, you may attract partners who do. It’s very tempting to lay the blame at their feet but in fact these problems arise from within you and are simply being projected onto your partner. There are times when you feel alone, isolated and perhaps depressed.

It’s possible you can still feel lonely, even when you’re in a relationship, if it’s with a person who is remote, unloving or unavailable, or whose work calls them away frequently. You may demand constant proof of their affection, fearing that they plan to leave you; it’s hard for you to see that your very fear drives away the intimacy you desire. Yours is not an easy road when it comes to love. Be gentle with yourself, and know that you are indeed lovable and perfect in your own way.

The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

OMTimes Astrology
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