If Mercury Isn’t Retrograde…Why Do I Feel Like It Is?
The Astrologer Daily: January 27th, 2013

Uranus Square Pluto Trigger Dates: The Next Three Years

By Rick DiClemente uranus_square_plutoDuring the next 3 years, transiting Uranus and transiting Pluto will square off 5 more times exactly. They already have twice. The other time periods are scheduled for May 20, 2013, Nov. 1, 2013, Apr. 21, 2014, Dec. 15, 2014 and Mar. 16 of 2015

Review the Chart

These will be the peak periods of spiked activity world-wide. They represent the revolutions in so many ways, with Uranus being the rebel force and Pluto, the archetypal Plutocrat.

Besides these 5 peak dates, the dates in the above table mark precise dates (perhaps even the day before the stated dates) when these tense energies will be exercised.

Picture your life as a story. Picture the world’s story too. These periods will be “triggered” by planets represented in column “G”. The lines colored in red will be more forceful and perhaps more significant.

What am I talking about? All of us have been experiencing the wild, liberative urges from Uranus to free us from the tyrannical Pluto energies the past few years. Many are focused on what’s happening “outside” of ourselves, such as countries demanding new governments, etc. But, mostly what’s really been happening is that we have been directly facing inner energies that won’t “let us be” or “highly restrict” our own life force blockages. These periods are well known to each of us, whether they are “inner” or “outer”. During the dates stated about, the situations will be exacerbated – we’ll be forced yet once again to deal with the related issues.

Those of us who have “dealt” with our emotional stories probably won’t find these dates to be too troublesome. On the other hand, those of who have not may find these dates to be very stressful. Therefore, the above dates only serve us to give us a “heads-up” for “here-it-comes-again” periods. Each of our situations are remarkably different, however, you will find these dates to be very significant turning points not only in your life, but in the life “around you.” I hope you find them of benefit. There is no reason to be tense during these times; I assure you that you have lived through many periods just like these. Taking positive, life-affirming action during these times is highly recommended.

2012 Rick DiClemente. All Rights Reserved. Connect with Rick at www.starself.com©

Author of “The Exquisite Zodiac” – www.theexquisitezodiac.com

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