Once In A Blue Moon… Are You Ready?
Getting from Here… to There

The Power of Green Wholefoods

By Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac

Herbs have been a part of humanity since the dawn of time in the form of food, and are viewed as medicine.  One-fourth of allopathic medicines are still derived from plants, or are synthetic copies of substances originally identified in nature.  After centuries of use, herbs continue to play a vital role in promoting health in modern times.

The power of green whole foods is essential for all day energy, greater focus under stress, sense of well-being, strengthened immune system, fewer food cravings and optimum synergistic balance of essential nutrients for total health.  Green whole foods are usually a powder that contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, active enzymes, bioflavinoids, chlorophyll and other phytonutrients necessary for optimal cellular metabolism, repair and protection!  These ingredients contain the most powerful combination of nutrients ever known in any grain, herb or food.  They contain almost all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll.

There are many green whole foods on the market today.  They are all geared toward increasing fiber and chlorophyll intake.  Additionally, there are several products that are specific to increasing metabolic energy, cleansing and/or detoxing with the addition of certain herbs for specific outcomes.  Here is a list of some of the most popular and beneficial ingredients in the majority of these products:


spirulina, whole greenfoodsSPIRULINA BLUE GREEN ALGAE:

Spirulina possesses a complete protein richer than steak, abundant organically complex minerals, a wide variety of essential vitamins, and many beneficial enzymes.  Spirulina is more than just a food.  As with Chlorella it has been shown to be valuable with almost every aspect of health.  These necessities are bio-available which means that they are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital nutrients.  Because of algae’s high chlorophyll and high nutritional content it is an excellent part of a cleansing program.


chlorella, whole greenfoodsCHLORELLA GREEN ALGAE:

Chlorella’s tough cell wall protects the valuable nucleus inside.  When it is harvested it is instantly dried and the cell walls are gently cracked open. The nutrients inside retain full potency. Once in your body, the cracked open cells release their valuable nutrients. Because it is so easy to digest, your cells get the full benefit of this nutritional powerhouse. These necessities are bio-available which means that they are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital nutrients.  The algae provide intestinal nourishment, and have a soothing, healing effect on the mucous lining.  It works to detoxify and purify our system.

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