The Elevation of Your Vibration
By Judi Lynch
We are discovering more fascinating and miraculous proof everyday that we are ascending at a more rapid pace than ever before in our history here on Earth. Energy grids around the World are pulsing with healing light energy. We only have to learn how to hold this amazing energy in our very hearts to understand its incredible power to heal every part of us.
Awakening to new possibilities in our abilities to communicate and channel these energies into realities, we are able to visualize healing ourselves, each other, and this planet together in an amazing collaboration. We can encounter a true realization that the answers are in our beliefs and our beliefs are the answers. What you create truly and incredibly become reality. Whatever negativity you leave behind helps to raise your spiritual consciousness into levels you have never before touched as a soul.
How do we take full advantage of the gifts we are blessed with to grow and nurture? How do we raise our energy vibrations in such a constantly changing environment? It can seem like a huge task to those who are still struggling with certain concepts. Any negative feeling or situation that you hold onto in this life or from a past life stays with you and on through the next reincarnation until it is healed. Purging egoistic thought is imperative to the amount of vibrational energy you are able to hold and channel. You start creating positive light energy the moment you release all that holds you back!
When you are aligning the ego with the soul, every decision you make can either help to fill you with light and confidence or send you right back to deal with the same life situation yet again. We choose to either serve the ego self or validate our spiritual consciousness with unselfishness and devotion. Your consciousness and your ego work together to work out the individual soul themes we are all working on. It can take great courage to learn to forgive others in difficult circumstances, but that forgiveness brings about an explosion of beautiful miracles. This kind of growth is priceless for the soul and grows without expectations of reward. It represents a soul theme realized, understood and healed.