The Color of Abundance
The Color of Abundance
by Mandy Peterson
Abundance can mean different things to different people. While the dictionary defines abundance as “a great and plentiful amount,” “fullness to overflowing,” and “affluence; wealth,” each of these definitions is open to interpretation as well.
What is wealth to one person may be valueless to another, and vice versa. So, if we could categorize each kind of abundance by connecting it to a color, what would that color be, and what would make each category different? What would each color type say about the individual who is attracted to it?
Color of Abundance – White:
White abundance drives those who seek it to find their own connection to the divine. Those attracted to white abundance desire their cup to “runneth over,” but in this case, the Self is the cup. Their greatest treasures lie within the self; within a connection to the eternal rather than the transitory. For this reason, those attracted to white abundance tend to live the experience of being abundant and knowing abundance, rather than seeking abundance.
With this mind-set, every moment is one of gratitude for what one already is or has, without any need to gain something in the future to complete oneself.
Color of Abundance – Violet:
Violet abundance reflects the seeking for wisdom. As such, individuals who pursue this type of abundance are seeking to fill the cup within their mind. Those who resonate with Violet abundance are usually devourers of books and information. They love learning new things, going to school, or taking classes. The wisdom and knowledge they feel blessed with is their true treasure. This type of abundance us best sought through inner passion rather than to feel superior to others.