The Astrologer Daily: June 14th, 2012
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
The Moon is “void” for the beginning part of the day. And with that, there’s a strong untethered feeling. For some, the energy may feel spacey. For others, it may just seem difficult to start something new. In all actuality, that’s perfectly fine since “void” periods aren’t really the best time to begin something you want to have come to fruition.
Rather, focus on finishing up a project that you’ve left hanging. Later in the day when the Moon shifts from fiery Aries to grounded Taurus, attention turns from the passionate to the practical.
The Sun is at 24 degrees Gemini, the Moon is in Taurus, Mercury is in Cancer, Venus is in Gemini and Mars is in Virgo. With this combination of planetary energies try to: A therapy session. Deal with those monsters under your bed. Try not to: Wolf down a meal so fast that you get a tummy ache. Today’s only exact aspect is:
- Moon Sextile Neptune: Subtle and Sweet.
- Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto are retrograde.
And finally happy birthday to Donald Trump, Steffi Graf and Boy George.
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