The Astrologer Daily: January 16th, 2013
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
Try not to go to extremes today. Venus is conjunct Pluto, prompting people to fall victim to passion. Don’t give all of your power away to the object of your desire, and never back yourself into a corner. Sometimes it’s better to prepare a person for a long wait to letting them down entirely.
If you lack practical skills, you need to formulate a new plan. Learn a trade so you can pay the bills. It will be difficult to pursue your heart’s desire if you’re constantly living from paycheck to paycheck. Take this opportunity to add a few skills to your box of tricks, just to guard against lean times. The days ahead will be busy, once the Moon enters active Aries. As the week draws to a close, you’ll be busy running errands, making phone calls, and crossing things off your “to do” list.
The Sun is at 26 degrees Capricorn, the Moon is in Aries, Mercury is in Capricorn, Venus is in Capricorn and Mars is in Aquarius. With this combination of planetary energies try to: Tell three people that they did a ‘heckuva job’ without sarcasm. Try not to: Interfere with another person’s job in a different department.
Today’s exact aspects and their keywords are:
- Moon Sextile Sun: The Seed Sprouts and Grows.
- Venus Conjunct Pluto: How Deep Is Your Love?
- Moon Conjunct Uranus: Anything Goes.
- Moon Sextile Jupiter: Looking Up.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
And finally happy birthday to Kate Moss, Debbie Allen and Sade. If it’s your birthday today, it’s time to decide what you really want on the romantic front. Chasing after cool, rebellious types will get boring. Why not set your sights on someone with a noble character? If you’re already in a relationship, think of ways to deepen your devotion to each other.
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