Oracle – Cornerstone
The Astrologer Daily: April 4th, 2012

The Astrologer Daily: April 3rd, 2012

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By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

The Astrologer Daily: April 3rd, 2012

With the Moon in a stressed alignment with social Venus, you may sense tensions with a friend. There’s a tendency to get caught up in the drama. After all, the Moon is in stressful connection to both imaginative Neptune and combative Mars. Instead, take a moment to center yourself.

Apply your skills of critical thinking to the situation at hand. These are talents that are enhanced today since the Moon spends a good portion of the day in methodical Virgo. As Venus moves into curious Gemini, finding answers and collecting information takes on an increased sense of value.

The Sun is at 14 degrees Aries, the Moon is in Virgo, Mercury is in Pisces, Venus is in Gemini and Mars is in Virgo. With this combination of planetary energies try to: An exercise routine before you go to work each day. Try not to: Expect someone to wait for months before you make a move.

Today’s exact aspects and their keywords are:

– Moon Sextile Saturn: A Sobering Mood.

– Moon Square Venus: Overindulgent.

– Moon Opposite Neptune: Pink Smoke and Mirrors.

– Moon Conjunct Mars: Hot to Trot.

– Moon Trine Pluto: Inner Vision.


Mercury, Mars, Saturn are retrograde.


Happy birthday to Alec Baldwin, Eddie Murphy and David Hyde Pierce.


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The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

OMTimes Astrology
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