Tarot Reading For Week May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17
Tarot Reading For Week May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17
By Suzanne Kammerer
Love/Partnership Is Hugely Present and This Is The Week to Make Things Happen are part of the messages for this week. Another fun and positive weekly reading by Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni using the deck she created – Radiant Wisdom Tarot – the now generation of tarot wisdom. At the end of the video is the cover of Laughing Womyn’s newly published childrens books, Mattie’s Magical Summer and TJ Remembers The Mountain.
The complete Radiant Wisdom Tarot set, the deck, and/or the eBook are available worldwide now via the Radiant Wisdom Tarot website as well as from Amazon, Etsy, and eBay (just type in RadiantWisdomTarot). To find out more about Laughing Womyn and/or to contact her for a private session go to http://www.LaughingWomyn.com
Thanks for watching. If you choose to subscribe you will be the first to know when the next weeks reading is ready for you to enjoy.
http://LaughingWomyn.com/childrensboo… – Mattie’s Magical Summer – TJ Remembers The Mountain http://www.RadiantWisdomTarot.com http://www.LaughingWomyn.com – Private sessions, Courses, Gifts, Wisdoms. http://www.NashvilleImage.com
Here is a video showing the complete deck one card at a time. http://youtu.be/0p0BEkTKvZk
To purchase Suzanne’s Flute Flying CD and see the track names, go to the Nashville Image website page “movie props for sale” and look towards the bottom right of the page. http://www.NashvilleImage.com/moviepr…