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Sun in Aquarius: How come I still feel so off?

By Cindy Morris

sun_in_aquariusThe Sun has moved into the liberating sign of Aquarius so one would imagine things would start to feel somewhat less Saturnine, moving into a lighter, airier, more open consciousness. So many things are going on simultaneously in the cosmos that depending on your own personal chart you will be feeling the paradigm shifts and swells of movement in your own unique way.

Liberation is not always an easy process because in the process of liberating yourself you will have to look into some nasty, dark corners of your life and be willing to release anything or anyone that does not serve to support your freedom.

I’m doing this myself and it has brought me to my knees – and to the couch for a major lie-down.

Releasing relationships that confine and limit you, letting go of old thought patterns and emotional habits that keep you in the old ways, and even perhaps moving or changing your job from work to a calling. Whatever changes you need to make in your life can feel gargantuan to you. It is of critical importance that you do not judge yourself in the process of evaluating what is working for you and what is truly not. Discernment is needed, judgment is not. Easier said than done, but worth working towards.

Aquarius promises liberation…then check out the view!

Aquarius promises liberation…then check out the view!

If you are also going through your Saturn return (Saturn is in Scorpio so if you were born with Saturn in Scorpio you will be somewhere in your Saturn return) or Saturn is moving through sensitive points in your chart (like crossing your ascendant) you can be sure you will be doing MAJOR clearing out. Sometimes the clearing is done for you – a friend passes or moves, you are fired from your job, you need to move. Saturn will have you facing your responsibilities and commitments head on. Just remember when Saturn moves through Scorpio you will be working in deep emotional realms and releasing much that has been obscured or hidden from view. That is the most painful stuff to dislodge. But as you clear away the debris you may be very surprised at the view.

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OMTimes Astrology
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