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Soul Mates: The Myth That Hollywood Sold Us

By Chanel Williamssoulmates-the-myth-holywood-sold-us

There has been much talk about Soul Mates and Twin Flames and, if I am honest, I have found the definitions confusing. In many cases I find one person’s definition contradicts somebody else’s.

Let’s take the term Soul Mate.   The Hollywood movies would have us believe that finding our Soul Mate is the be all and end all in love.  That happily ever after fairy tale ending. However, those of us who have had a Soul Mate relationship, especially a romantic one, know how volatile they can be. Definitely, NOT the stuff that fairy tales are made of.

A Soul Mate can be a friend, family member or lover. We have met them in a past life where you both could have assumed different roles, possibly even a different gender. You would have a made a pact with that person to come together again, in the next life term in order to resolves issues and learn lessons. This kind of relationship is not designed to last forever or go the distance. I’m not saying it can’t but that’s not the purpose. With this in mind, I prefer the term Soul Walker when referring to Soul Mates.

Soul Walker rather than Soul Mate

It’s a term I heard a psychic use recently and it’s one that, for me, encapsulates what a Soul Mate/Soul Walker really is.

A Soul Walker will hold your hand through part of your journey. Your initial connection with this person is immediate. You feel as though you have met before because you have, at another time in another place. However, these relationships challenge us because they are filled with challenges themselves.

In my own case he would never commit but would always come back to me. We would argue and hurt each other, yet always forgive one another. When together we felt complete. It was intense but this is the essence of a soul walker connection. Because it feels like what we think love should feel like and because the connection is so strong we believe it must be our happy ending. With this in mind we try to mould into what a real-life, stereotypical romantic relationship should look like, usually one person does this more than the other. This creates more friction and challenge. Why? Well a Soul Walker holds your hand through life and those lessons that you need to learn. Thus when you learn the lesson, you can let go of one another’s hand. It sounds so simple. It probably should be that simple. But those who have loved and left/lost your Soul Walker know that walking away can be heart-wrenching and extremely painful. Like part of you has died. In a way it has because you share a soul connection.  Is that the glossy version of Soul Mate that you have been thinking of? Probably, not.

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