The Astrologer Daily: September 8th, 2012
The Astrologer Daily: September 9th, 2012

Simple Exercises to Release Stress

By Gurutej Khalsastressed-out

We all know we have to withstand the test of the times but sometimes they just feel like they are all too much and they are going to take us down. I want you to do something just for you and your future.

Make a list of what you need to get through your biggest tests.

  • What do you wish you could do?


  • What have you done in the past that works?


  • What have you done that has not worked?


  • What things do you have that require very little time that help?


  • What things need more time, be it 1 hr or 1 week, to help?

Here are a few things I want to offer you that I have found helpful.

I keep my yoga mat right by my desk and get up and do hand stands all day long. I drink lots of liquids and not coffee. I drink peppermint water, teas of all kinds, lemon water to keep hydrated and have fun with it. Also the alkaline factor is important to me so I eat alkaline foods. I eat most fruits, most veggies, most nuts, seeds, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, long grain brown rice, amaranth. I try to cook in batches so I don’t just open the fridge and hope that some mysterious guest has come and cooked just what I feel like eating. I also schedule lunch meetings at my house so I can make food that I will have for a day or two. Plus it is a great environment to meet in. It is calm and easy to connect in.

Create environments that make people feel relaxed, be it your office or home. Yes, if you have lots of children at home just make sure you have one spot that is yours, your sanctuary. It does not have to be a room. It can just be a section of a room. Declare it as yours and stick to it. When you are there it is your time out. No disturbances. It can be your bathtub, a chair in your yard or balcony, a chair or spot in your bedroom or an entire room.

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