Prelude to the Awakening
By Subash Lohani
Who am I ? At some point of time in our lives, most of us try to understand and define the meaning of life. Life beginning with birth and ending with death could be different from life as consciousness in continuum before birth and after death. Life as an expression of consciousness is a journey that begins with the union of mind(s), conceiving one more of itself from the stardust, letting it sail through the vast cosmic ocean in search of perfection through disparting, transmigration and ascension to enable itself worthy of love, and capable of procreation, thus perpetuating life.
Any life begins from a primordial form. We develop from the fusion of a sperm and a ovum resulting in a zygote. The zygote then divides into numerous cells and organizes itself into multitude of tissues. Miles long neurons. A brain emanating consciousness. Miles long blood streams. A heart pumping blood. But does it really end there? Is there anything beyond us? Above us? Could we be a unitary elements of another higher organization? Discomfiting notion, huh !
When we are talking about consciousness it is essential to understand the source of our consciousness. It is essential for us to understand our human brain and human mind before we would embark on the quest of understanding the universal mind.
A brain. 1400 grams. Structurally a summation of billions of neurons and trillions of synapses. If God created man in his image, I wonder if there is a similar higher organization that would behave as the function of the summation of brains. When I barely over-imagine and and try to create such a superconscious metaframe of consciousness, I start putting brains together in an orderly fashion without violating the fractal principal of nature. I find myself amidst a tree of life.
The axon terminals of a neuron :: the cauda equina of a spinal cord :: the roots of a tree. The axon of a neuron :: the spinal cord :: the trunk of a tree. The soma of a neuron :: the brain :: the crown of tree. Pitch perfect fractal conscious framework : the tree of life. A superconscious metaframe functioning as the universal mind. When a brain says, “ I am made up of the ‘we’ neurons but I am still I”, so the tree says, “I am made of up of the ‘we’ brains, but I am still I.” And that ‘I’ is the universal mind. The mind of god.