Oracle – Appreciation
The energies and directions for the month of May are evolving around some powerful energies that are moving us forward into the new reality and the Great Coming Together. Your perspective, your practice, your mantra for this month is Appreciation…Read on!
Appreciation, as such, comes from your heart level and gives you opportunities to practice the release of resistance to what is. By appreciating what is in front of you, in spite of how much the mind creates the negative or positive duality interpretation of your reality, you channel important energy on to the planet and into the hearts of others. It is about knowing that all really is well, whether you are in pain, agony, sadness, grief, anger—any emotional state other than conscious, joyous appreciation. It is hard for humans to struggle through negative emotions so all-consuming — fear of the challenge, fear of the unknown, fear of death and yet the point of your spiritual and personal development at this time is to acknowledge these human events, these “life situations” as merely steps along the path to your further personal and spiritual enlightenment…to be and become more and more conscious of your world, the world you have created and the world at large based on the collective consciousness of all humans on this planet.
You are encouraged by this Oracle to set aside prejudices that you may have, forgive yourself and others as you use Appreciation this month to make your perspective what you see. It’s Magick!! Appreciating your planet, its waters, its flowers, its rocks, trees, sky, clouds, weather – it is all part of moving into a state of being where love flows behind appreciation.
There was a unique meteor shower in my world the night before I sat down to write the May Oracle. The night sky was alight with an unbelievable searchlight effect and meteorites falling here there and over there as our planet passed through a comet trail. The awesomeness of witnessing something I had never seen before in my life grew yet again my appreciation: for my ability to see through my eyes, for being in the right place and the right time, for being awake, for paying attention, for the joy of the experience. It was so awesome. It moved me at many levels but the basis of the inner shift was appreciation.
The energy of appreciation flowing this month includes the appreciation of family, friends, spouses, siblings and the physical expression of this appreciation is fully warranted this month of May. Keep “Appreciation” thoughts at the forefront of your mind as you go along your way this month. Tape the word to your bathroom mirror or to a visible spot in your car. This is the time to let people, as well as your planet, know you appreciate them. There is a great need on our planet for folks to be appreciated. Most times people either forget to express their appreciation, or assume others already know they are appreciated or just negligent in that thought process in any event. Now, with this energy flowing it is time to not only appreciate what is in front of you, but to incorporate the concept and practice of “appreciation” into your personal, business and spiritual worlds. The energies of this year of 2012 are to be integrated more and more as you grow truly more authentic, searching, finding, developing and expressing your spiritual journey of being who you really are. You have been having breakthrough after breakthrough over the past few years and feel the changes that are now part of who you are. There is much more for you as we all move forward to more love, more compassion and appreciation in to the awareness of the world.
So, to fully integrate and incorporate the energies of appreciation this month, you should understand that the energies of gratitude and appreciation are different. A lot of people do not understand or comprehend that there is a difference, but it is pointed out here to you only for your discernment and contemplation here in your world of duality, your world of contrasts. Gratitude is the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. Appreciation is thankful recognition…it is really about critical notice. Not critical in the sense of deciding whether something is right or wrong, i.e. making a judgment. It is “critical” in the sense of discernment, looking deeply. Appreciation is about clear perception and/or recognition.
You are therefore urged by this Oracle to look both inward and outward this month. Out there in the sense of taking notice of what it is you appreciate and expressing your appreciation. Inward, looking within to see how this appreciation impacts who you are as you express your self in the changing reality. Now is the time to begin paying attention to how or even if you are forthcoming with expressing your appreciation for all the blessings and miracles that do indeed flow into your life! Do pay attention! Your Spirits and Guides will show you, just allow it to be so.
With eyes wide open this month of May, put Appreciation at the forefront of your spiritual practices! Integrate it into your life and make it your own. Know that love flows behind letting folks know they are appreciated and loved. In order to build our new world, your new world, your new and true YOU, this is truly something you need – by putting in the energy, the desire and the focus on what you are shown this month, your Appreciation of everything, will truly ground you further into the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time, no matter what…so, remember, All You Really Need is Love…it will sustain you as you allow yourself to be guided and directed to express and integrate the clear perspective, the discernment with which to express and feel Appreciation. Let the Love flow…
Let your mantra for May be: I AM appreciating All That Is…And So It Is!!!