Intuitive Tarot Reading 28 June 2014
Angelic Elemental Death Rite

Numerology Forecasts-July

Try to be more patient with others. You are at the top of your game but other people may not be quite up to your par and consequently, you may find yourself impatient with their actions or decisions or general lack of efficiency. Try to set an example and guide them rather than become upset at them. A friend, family member or loved one may be in need of your assistance this month and you will find yourself helping and caring for them. Certainly, if this is not the case, you can expect that the family has demands on your time this month whether it is helping them or simply spending time with them. Romance is favorable this month so if single, make sure you mingle!~

If you are in a 9 PERSONAL YEAR, July is a 7 PERSONAL MONTH for you:
You have been going through some deep soul searching this year and perhaps reflecting back and contemplating future changes in your life regarding the direction you are going in. You sense it is time to stop dwelling and start making those decisions. You need to listen to your intuition and let your heart guide you. You are insightful this month and may sense a Higher Power is guiding you. Do what your heart tells you is the right thing, because your Higher Power speaks through the heart.
Find the time to meditate this month and you will be glad you did.
It is a time to examine your life and let go of what is no longer necessary and make room for a new era in your life that is soon to come.
Embrace this most important time in your life and view it as a cleansing and know it is for your greatest and highest good.
Career and money should not be the focus of this month and don’t worry, they are being taken care of so you can do more important inner work this month.
You may be low on energy this month; in fact, you may feel in need of extra rest and time off from your normal busy schedule. I suggest doing just that. Take a few well-deserved naps; spend some time in nature, read a book or anything that gives you an opportunity to recharge your batteries.

Speaking to Your Soul Through Numerology

“Numerology That Inspires”
OMTimes Astrology
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