Numerology Forecasts-July
If you are in a 3 PERSONAL YEAR, July is a 1 PERSONAL MONTH for you: You’re feeling the urge to begin something new this month and last month’s emotional difficulties are fading. Your thoughts are unique and brimming with creativity and you are eager to get started. It is not unusual for someone with this combination of energy (the 3 Year and 1 Month) to have the courage to make a big career move. Just remember to wait until Mercury goes direct after July 2nd. July brings you some very creative energy especially with writing or public speaking. If you have such an opportunity on your agenda, be confident it will go very well. Romance is strong in a 3 month and you may meet someone new but this may be a romantic fling rather than something that will last. You might find yourself immediately attracted but by month’s end, wonder what you saw in them. It is a month that may bring you new acquaintances in the area of people who might have an influence on your career. Pay attention to who is coming into your life. You have places to be and people to meet this month so get out there! Just one word of caution, be careful of the “open mouth, insert foot” syndrome this month as you may be more apt to speak without thinking. Pay attention to your dreams as you may find them to be especially insightful this month. You also are more intuitive this month and may find creative solutions to your problems.