You may find that you are being pulled in many directions this month so pace yourself and try not to scatter your energy. You may be multi-tasking and burning the candle at both ends. Discipline is key in order to get the work at hand done.
Romance can get you into trouble this month so beware and be responsible. You are apt to be more impulsive this month. Also use moderation in all areas of your life this month as you will be prone to overindulgence.
If you are in a 2 PERSONAL YEAR, April is a 6 PERSONAL MONTH for you:
This year has required the patience of a saint and you have found yourself in more than one situation requiring diplomacy and tact on your part. The theme for April requires you to continue this same trend but this month will place emphasis on close family and friends. You will find many people coming to you for advice and comfort. You may have additional responsibilities placed upon your shoulders which require you to devote time and energy to the care of and nurturing of friends and family. It is a month that requires an open heart and willingness to be supportive to your loved ones. Fighting or aggression will backfire and cause you more emotional distress so, in the event of any family disagreements, do try to find compromise.
Be aware that any relationships that you have that are “less than solid” will become more unstable this month and you do need to take a good long hard look at whether these relationships are doing you any good. It may be time for a heart to heart to work out your differences.