New Moon in Aries: A Time for Beginnings
By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
The New Moon occurs at 2 degrees Aries at 7:37 am PT.
The Aries New Moon could be the force behind some edgy impulses that need release. Having just completed a restive period, you’re ready for something exciting and new to begin. Brilliant schemes may be circulating in your brain. At the very least, you’re ready for something to happen and it will probably be by your own hand.
With the New Moon in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, this lunar phase marks energetic beginnings and fresh starts. You are hankering for some action. You may already be reacting on a slightly aggressive level to everyone around you, being ever so temperamental. Do consider some activities that you’d like to get going; perhaps your exercise program needs a jump start? How about getting ahead on some projects at work? Maybe initiate a date with that eye-catching cutie at your local cafe.
The restless energy of Aries gets you moving. Think about what you’d like to do and go for it. You may even consider leading a group or a project. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, and certainly don’t let an opportunity pass you by. Seize the moment while you can. There will be time to figure out the details later, but for now, prepare to move off your tush. Life is too short to wait around for tomorrows.