The Astrologer Daily: October 23rd, 2012
The Relaxed Soul: Activating Energies

Moments in Mindfulness

By Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmacharimoments-in-mindfulness

Mindfulness is the essence of spiritual practice, and also, in its perfection, it is the pinnacle of realization. It is your ultimate protection from all that could make you unhappy. It is your shield that deflects all negativity, preventing it from finding space in your mind to grow its roots. It always brings you to here and now. Mindfulness is a practice that makes you a conscious being, aware of the inner and the outer, aware of the Presence that pervades existence.

All evils are born in the absence of mindfulness. Peace and bliss blossom in the heart of mindfulness. There is no superior practice that can awaken the Divine within you and transform you into a person of infinite kindness and compassion.

Mind is indeed mysterious! It can be the door to both hell and heaven!! You cannot wish yourself to enter the gate to heaven; it is only the disciplined mind that has the pass to enter. And to discipline the mind is almost like taming a wild horse! But one who has the right intention and right dedication can resolve to tread the path of the Wise, and cultivate mindfulness and meditative awareness of one’s intrinsic peace and bliss.

Just stop whatever you are doing for a while, become aware of your Inner self, and feel the bliss of the silence. Moments of mindfulness can take you to the state of peace that only you can give to yourself!!

 In order to be where you are, you need to be completely aware of yourself.  

Mindfulness works wonders in life. Take some deep breaths when you are caught by thoughts that are taking you toward the hell of your negative mind. Flow with the breath for a while; count your incoming breaths and your outgoing breaths, bestowing your attention on the most powerful natural tool that God has given you, your breath. It is magical. Instead of flowing unconsciously with negative self-criticisms and condemnations, wake up, assert your inner lion, roar, and connect to your Spiritual Source.

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