Maria Khalife, The Super MOM
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Exclusive interview with Maria Khalife
Omtimes: Maria, Tell us something about yourself, who is Maria Khalife, the mother, entrepreneur, writer, TV personality?
Maria Well, my name is Maria Khalife. I am a business woman, a coach, a mother, a writer, and I guess I am a whole lot of other things, (smiles); I live in Beirut, Lebanon, but I prefer to think of myself as a citizen/ woman of the world. I’ve been blessed with the experience of traveling and learning in many countries and it has been a wonderful gift to my life. I so appreciate being with you today. I love the quote from Einstein “I am not genius; I am passionately curious.” I don’t see myself as any different from any other person in this planet, except perhaps in my determination to provide the best for my son whatever I had to do to provide the very best example of obtaining that.
My transformation journey started 24years ago when I became a mother and I felt the responsibility to raise my son. It was an eye opener to see him as a reflection of me.
- I wanted to protect him
- I wanted him to be happy
- I wanted him to be healthy
- I wanted him to be safe
- I wanted him to be the embodiment of everything he is capable of being.
- I wanted him to be free…
But I wasn’t any of that at the time…
So I thought: how can I offer him a space to be all of that when I am not living and acting from that space myself? It was a real puzzlement!
Because of my love of Mohandas Gandhi, I became committed to the idea of “Be the Change” and to become the person / the future I want my son to be. So much has grown from that one idea!
So I did everything that was needed to do the transformational job from the inside out.
- I did 4 years of psychoanalyses
- Studied coaching with Debbie ford and became a coach myself
- I have attended workshops/ courses etc…
- Read books
- Listened to thousands of hours from many inspirational speakers
- Hired great coaches
- I continue to study, to learn, and to unfold more good about myself and about all others.
And of course, I started to become what I’d placed my focus on. With the right help and support, I saw that I had plenty of room for creative work and great accomplishments.
- I started my own company in 1996 and created the first food media network in the middle. this was my first success story and it is called Soufra Daimeh, which means “Bon Appetit” in English
- Continued to create more with my coaching school and I have created the first coaching school in Lebanon in 2009. Soon we will be launching the Change Coach Association for the school’s graduates
- And now I have the first coaching TV program, I am the producer and host. It is called the Super Mom show, and it is aired on Arabic satellite channel.
Omtimes: How was your personal journey in becoming an accomplished writer that you are today?