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The Moon is Void of Course

March 2012 Monthly Horoscopes & Overview

By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

March 2012 Monthly Horoscopes & Overview

Planetary Ingresses and Lunations:

March 2nd: Mercury in Aries

While Mercury is in Aries, and depending on how it influences you personally, your mind could be functioning at top speed and in short bursts of activity. You might not have a lot of patience to focus on one idea for too long, instead burning through one thought quickly and moving on to the next. Instead of weighing all the pros and cons of a situation, you may tend to make snap judgments based more on instinct than logic.


You may find yourself on fire with one brilliant idea after another. This is a time for generating creative new ideas, though you might not necessarily see how to follow through on them. Your busy brain could even keep you up at night with its high-speed activity. Keep a notebook on the night stand to jot down your late-night inspirations.


Honesty and directness come easily in communication — possibly too easily. Words erupt from your mouth quickly and abruptly, sometimes surprising even yourself with what comes out. You might need to make an effort to be tactful and diplomatic to avoid hurting others’ feelings.


Word games can be fun — especially if they don’t last too long. You might also enjoy debating ideas and even arguing, just for the sake of it. Writing an opinionated letter to the editor on a topic you feel passionate or outraged about could be extremely satisfying.


March 5th: Venus in Taurus

Under the influence of Venus in Taurus, and depending on how this transit affects your birth chart, you could find yourself indulging in the sensual side of life. You’re likely to take your time expressing warmth and affection toward your sweetie, and will likewise revel in receiving physical contact.


You love your creature comforts, and are willing to pay for those little luxuries that sweeten your everyday experience. Even if your budget is tight, you’ve got a knack for making a little go a long way, and can be quite resourceful. Quality is more important than quantity, and you approach possessions and people as long-term investments. Material security is a priority, and you can make solid progress in building up your savings account — if you temper your tendency toward indulgence.


During this transit, your magnetism is strong, and potential suitors could be irresistibly drawn to you. But you’re not likely to jump into any romance too impulsively — you’ve got high standards, and are looking for a lasting commitment. Loyalty and stability are important to you now, and you might find socializing with a few close friends more satisfying than casting a wide net.


You may find your artistic side wanting to come out under this influence, and creative projects with practical applications could be especially appealing. You have a special gift when it comes to decorating your home, revamping your wardrobe, and creating culinary delights.


March 8th: Full Moon in Virgo

During the Virgo Full Moon, you’ll probably feel a sense of achievement as you notice the progress of your efforts to tidy up at home and at work. Things seem to be a lot easier to locate now that you’ve organized your stuff into more manageable piles. Although you may not be completely finished putting things away or tossing them  out, you’re beginning to actually see some open space in your environment.


In matters of health, you feel the  effects of your exercise routine — or lack of one. Give yourself more time to reach the optimal goal that you originally set out to accomplish. Don’t try to push your body beyond its limits. Plug away slowly and you’ll soon find that your endurance and stamina increases noticeably.


Your job seems to be going better since you’ve taken the time to work more efficiently. Higher-ups may notice your proactive work ethic, so keep it up. Your organizational skills serve you well. Continue your steady course and soon you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you have been concerned with shedding a few pounds, you might want to make a point to eat less and exercise more as the moon begins its waning phase. You’re more likely stick to your diet as the moon’s light gradually reduces each night.

March 12th: Mercury turns retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has worked its way into mass consciousness. The moment a communication snafu occurs, folks blame Mercury Retrograde! The truth is, not all miscommunications can be laid at the feet of this little planet. But it does behoove us to observe a few simple principles about this event.


Mercury appears to turn backward in its path around the Zodiac three times every year, for about twenty-one or twenty-two days at a time. So every four months, you get a three-week pause in which to catch up on old correspondence, read the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand and make phone calls to friends and family.


Everyone knows that Mercury Retrograde is a great time to do things that start with ‘re’: repair, reduce, reconsider, recreate. But what else can you do to bring out the best energy of this period? Certainly, thoughts turn more inward than outward, so taking care of personal affairs is a great idea. Follow your gut instead of following your head. This is a great time to practice yoga, meditation or any activity that centers your mind and body.


If you can avoid signing a contract during Mercury Retrograde, fine. If not, go through it carefully a couple of times and get help if you need it. Try not to buy electronic equipment during this period, or travel, because delays and snafus seem to abound. Above all, don’t worry! Life moves forward even when Mercury seems to be going backward.

March 20th: The Sun moves into Aries

While the Sun transits Aries, and depending on where it lights up your natal chart, you’ve got an increased surge of passion, vitality and courage. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac — the fire-starter and pioneer who boldly blazes new territory.


The Aries Sun boosts your leadership potential and inspires new beginnings. Take the risk of jumping in head-first, trusting your excitement to guide you. You might not have much energy for following through on everything you started, but you can worry about that later!


If you’ve been feeling stuck, the Sun in Aries can give you a push to break through resistance and just do it. Don’t wait until you’ve got the perfect plan — in the beginning, there are always many unknowns. Just take the first step and trust that the next step will become clear at the right time.


Watch out for the Ram’s shadow — impatience, anger and selfishness. Tempers tend to shorten while the Sun is in Aries, and you might need to make an effort to be tactful and considerate of others’ feelings. Exercise can be helpful for blowing off excess steam. And if you’ve been wanting to get in shape, now is the perfect time!


March 22nd: New Moon in Aries

The Aries New Moon could be the force behind some edgy impulses that need release. Having just completed a restive period, you’re ready for something exciting and new to begin. Brilliant schemes may be circulating in your brain. At the very least, you’re ready for something to happen and it will probably be by your own hand. With the New Moon in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, this lunar phase marks energetic beginnings and fresh starts. You are hankering for some action. You may already be reacting on a slightly aggressive level to everyone around you, being ever so temperamental. Do consider some activities that you’d like to get going; perhaps your exercise program needs a jump start? How about getting ahead on some projects at work? Maybe initiate a date with that eye-catching cutie at your local cafe.


The restless energy of Aries gets you moving. Think about what you’d like to do and go for it. You may even consider leading a group or a project. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, and certainly don’t let an opportunity pass you by. Seize the moment while you can. There will be time to figure out the details later, but for now, prepare to move off your tush. Life is too short to wait around for tomorrows.

March 23rd: Mercury moves into Pisces

Under the influence of Mercury in Pisces, and depending on how this transit affects other planets in your birth chart, your intuitive powers are strong, while your rational mind might be on hiatus. You’re in touch with the big picture and higher vision, but the details of daily life escape you. Miscommunications and misunderstandings are possible, as you lose focus and it becomes more difficult to tell the difference between dream and reality.


You make decisions based on feelings rather than logic now. You’re also more sensitive to other people’s feelings, and your decisions could be motivated by compassion. You may not be able to explain how you came to a certain conclusion. Words might elude you now, and you long to express yourself in non-verbal ways.


Your mind is flexible, adaptable and wide open to other people’s ideas — possibly too open. It might be hard for you to know what you’re thinking, or to separate your own opinions from others’. You might be accused of being wishy-washy, and you could have a tendency toward procrastination, avoidance or escapism.


Projects that require organization and attention to detail could be frustrating now. Better to focus on dreaming up your ideal vision for the future, and getting clear about the big picture of what you want to create. Channel your enhanced imagination into creative outlets like music, painting and poetry.


Monthly Horoscopes:



On the 2nd your mind is highly focused as mental Mercury moves into your sign. When the Full Moon arrives on the 8th, it inspires your well-being. That’s because it connects your 6th House of Health and 12th House of Intuition. Meditate, go to a day spa, or take an exercise class–whatever you feel is best to enhance your vitality.


When Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th your mind may seem a little cloudy.  Through April 4th, until the messenger planet goes direct again, be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus. On the 14th, your ruling planet Mars harmonizes with gracious Venus, expansive Jupiter and transformative Pluto. You exude a lot of charm and are graced by luck—it’s as if you have the Midas touch.


On the 20th, the Sun moves into your sign. For the next month, you’re shining bright. This is especially true on the 22nd, the Aries New Moon. It’s a wonderful day to start a new project, or even a new mini-chapter of your life. On the 23rd, your dreams may be especially vivid and your intuition strong.


Change is in the air on the 24th when the Aries Sun unites with eclectic Uranus. If you’re compelled to break out of your routine, go for it–you’ll be rewarded. On the 31st, other people’s rebellious natures may make you excessively irritated. Don’t hesitate to take time away from them if that will make you feel better.




Patience is a virtue. And thankfully also a great talent of Taurus since you may need it in spades on the 4th. That’s when structured Saturn opposes your planetary ruler Venus. The trick here is to wait out delays and not cut corners. Venus enters your sign on the 5th and it’s like you put on rose-colored glasses–the world just looks better. A guardian angel appears on the 6th providing you with an answer you’ve been seeking.


When the Full Moon arrives on the 8th, remember that there’s a way to contribute to a group project without sacrificing your own personal creativity. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


On the 13th, you’re able to connect to a deeper level of honesty. With Venus harmonizing with lucky Jupiter and assertive Mars, the 14th is tailor-made for Taurus. You have larger-than-life charm and people seem to be lining up to help you with an array of projects.


The New Moon on the 22nd offers you the ability to really see the truth of the matter–as long as you trust yourself. You’re feeling in your element on the 25th and 26th as the Moon spends time in your sign. The 29th is a good day to ask friends for book or movie recommendations. Something they suggest is likely to be of great interest to you.




March kicks off with the Moon in your sign, giving you an extra boost of confidence the first day of the month. On the 5th, innovative Uranus unites with your planetary ruler Mercury. You’re supercharged with energy as well as the desire to change your patterns.


If there’s been tension between your home and work life, the Full Moon on the 8th can make it more pronounced. Yet, issues coming to the surface may be just what’s needed for there to be resolution. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th, be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


The 19th may feel a bit like déjà vu. With Mercury and Uranus uniting, like they did on the 5th, you’ll be once again buzzing with energy and a desire to break out of your routine. Your sense of spirit and vitality is really strong on the 21st when the luminous Sun aligns with Mercury.


When the New Moon arrives on the 22nd seek out new alliances and investigate possible group projects. When Mercury moves back into Pisces on the 23rd, it’s a good time to reflect upon your career goals. The 26th may be a bit funky, like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Tune into your intuition, don’t rush a decision and trust that a helpful answer will appear. There’s a sense of grace and flow on the 29th when romantic Venus makes a sweet sextile with Mercury.



Your attention turns to your career on the 2nd. Chances are you’ll get recognized for your thoughts and ideas. You’re feeling especially nurtured on the 3rd when the Moon is in your sign. When Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th, there’s a sense that your friends and alliances are even more valuable than you had previously thought.


Emotions run strong on the Full Moon on the 8th. For Cancers the key to feeling good today is to find alignment between your everyday tasks and the bigger goals you have set for yourself. Mercury begins its three- week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


On the 20th, you shine brightly and people recognize the special role you play in their world. You’ll have greater awareness of how much authority you actually do have in your given area of expertise. When the New Moon arrives on the 22nd, so may a new chapter of your career.


Mercury floats back into Pisces on the 23rd, making this a good day to re-assess your long-term goals. Don’t be surprised by a surprise at work or a change in responsibilities on the 24th. It may be someone else who proposes the seemingly radical idea, or maybe even you who initiates it. The end of the month may feel especially sweet. That’s because the Moon is once again in Cancer on the 30th and 31st.




On the 2nd your attention turns to understanding the bigger picture. That sort of perspective will come in handy on the 3rd, which could be a challenging day. That’s when assertive Mars opposes your planetary ruler, the Sun, initiating tension, notably around financial matters.

The Full Moon on the 8th illuminates questions about resourcefulness. Identify where you can do things on your own and where another person’s help really is important. Mercury begins its three- week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.

Delays may feel like common fare on the 18th. When the Sun unites with mental Mercury on the 21st, your mind is inspired by thoughts of distant lands and cultures. Use your ideas and inspiration to plant seeds for travel on the 22nd. The astrological reason? The New Moon that day falls in your 9th House of Voyages.

On the 24th when the Sun unites with innovative Uranus, it may feel like a stream of energy is flowing through you. You may all of a sudden connect to a feeling that you want to make some big changes in your life. Take time to explore these notions to see if the ideas generated are of fleeting or long-term value.

The 29th brings a test of will as the Sun forms a tense square with powerful Pluto. If you let go of something that doesn’t serve you, just don’t let go of your personal power in the process.



It’s an active month for Virgo as your planetary ruler Mercury will be keeping quite busy. On the 2nd, it moves into your 8th House of Secrets, inspiring you to dig deep for missing pieces of a puzzle you’ve been trying to solve. On the 5th, when the messenger planet unites with innovative Uranus, you feel a strong desire to break out of your routines and do things a different way.


If you aren’t seeing eye to eye with your partner or a friend on the 8th, the Full Moon may enhance the tension. One of Virgo’s Full Moon takeaways is to honor the other person without sacrificing your own needs. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


The 18th has a similar flavor to the 5th. Try something new on for size–doing so can yield great rewards. The luminous Sun unites with Mercury on the 21st infusing you with extra radiance and vitality.


The New Moon on the 22nd brings an opportunity to start another chapter in an intimate relationship. With tension occurring between Mercury and authoritative Saturn on the 26th you could find yourself questioning your innate skills and talents. It’s really important on this day to not be excessively critical of yourself. On the 29th discussions with a friend can yield a greater understanding of a situation you’re facing, or even the world at large.



On the 4th, when your planetary ruler Venus opposes restrictive Saturn, a relationship may hit a roadblock. Use your skills of tact and diplomacy to see if you can find resolution—that is, without sacrificing your personal needs. When Venus enters Taurus on the 5th, you’re pulled to uncover a mystery that has been eluding you. On the 6th, when poetic Neptune harmonizes with Venus, you are surrounded by a sense of sweetness.


The Full Moon on the 8th may bring some tension. On the one hand, a situation appears cut and dry, and yet you keep getting the sense that there’s something more to it. See if you can deeply tune into your intuition to find some clarity. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


The 13th and 14th will likely be powerful–but in a really good way–since Venus makes friendly connection with intense Pluto, expansive Jupiter, and assertive Mars. Love is in the air as are many strokes of luck and genius. You’re likely to get assistance from unlikely places, including family members who may turn out to be better allies than you had previously considered.


The New Moon on the 22nd initiates a new chapter in one of your favorite areas of life–your relationships. Things flow gracefully on the 29th. A co-worker may turn out to be a very valuable ally.



On the 2nd you may find yourself with a greater desire to gather around the water cooler with your colleagues. The astrological reason? That’s the day that communicative Mercury moves into your 6th House of Work. On the 5th, gracious Venus moves into Taurus and your focus turns to relationships.


What’s the Scorpio secret to feeling happy on the Full Moon on the 8th? Feeling that you are making a contribution to the world at large while having a good time in the process. Enjoy your power days on the 11th and 12th when the Moon is in your sign. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


Mark your calendar for the 13th and 14th. That’s when your planetary ruler Pluto harmonizes with expansive Jupiter, romantic Venus, and assertive Mars. You may feel lucky in love or just really blessed because of the deep connections you have with the people in your life. If you’ve been looking to start a new wellness routine, consider doing so on the New Moon on the 22nd.


The 23rd provides you with an opportunity to reexamine your approach to your personal creativity. Tensions fly on the 29th. As Pluto forms a strained aspect with the luminous Sun, you may experience a clash of wills, notably with men. Even if it’s intense, it’s nothing that a savvy Scorpio can’t handle.



As mental Mercury charges into your 5th House of Creativity on the 2nd your attention turns to the best ways to express yourself. On the 5th do something pleasurable that’s also good for your health. For example, get a massage or purchase that fragrant essential oil you’ve had your eye on.


The Full Moon on the 8th may be stressful although it can be illuminating as well. For Sagittarius the focus is on work and family, and trying to balance responsibilities toward each. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.


The 13th is a powerful day since your ruling planet Jupiter harmonizes with intense Pluto. Your skills and talents shine at work. Don’t be surprised if you’re showered with accolades or potentially other rewards. This feeling of greater self-confidence continues on the 14th when Jupiter unites with gracious Venus and also forms a supportive trine with determined Mars. Adding to your personal sense of luster and confidence, the Moon is also in your sign. This all equates to your strong ability to assert yourself while radiating grace and charm.



The New Moon on the 22nd lights up your romantic and creative life. When Mercury dips back into poetic Pisces on the 23rd, your focus turns to connecting with your family. The 28th offers experiences that allow you to see situations from a different perspective.



Communication may be especially challenging for Capricorns on the 1st when your planetary ruler Saturn tensely aligns with mental Mercury. On the 2nd if you can connect into the depth of what you are feeling, the words should flow. This is especially if you are dialoguing with family members. Navigating a relationship obstacle is the focus of the 4th when gracious Venus opposes Saturn.

The Full Moon on the 8th can help you appreciate how what usually seems like trivial information can actually contribute to a larger sense of understanding. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus.

You’re especially focused and determined on the 16th when the Moon is in your sign all day. On the 20th, the Sun enters Aries. For the next month, feeling nurtured will become a focus for Capricorns. Home will really feel like where the heart is. Speaking of home, when the New Moon arrives on the 22nd, you may be inspired by an idea for a home-improvement project. That’s because the New Moon falls in your 4th House of Dwellings. Yet, given that Mercury’s retrograde it’s better to do the research now and wait to initiate your plans sometime mid-April.

On the 26th, vital information isn’t readily accessed. Have patience as well as faith that it will arrive. On the 31st, tensions with romantic partners can surface. Use your Capricorn determination to resolve any differences.



Pour through a stack of magazines on the 2nd. This may help to quench your desire to amass facts, figures, data and details–which is likely your driving force today. On the 5th your mind is incredibly bright since your planetary ruler Uranus is uniting with mental Mercury. It’s a great day to schedule a presentation, pick up a new book or work to solve a problem that’s been challenging you. Turn to your siblings, friends and neighbors–they can actually be the source of the information you seek.


The Full Moon on the 8th draws your attention to fiscal matters. It illuminates ways that trusted others can help you better manage your finances. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus. Take heed of this especially on days like the 18th when Uranus and Mercury reunite. You’ll have something really important to share. Yet, be diligent with presenting it in a way that can help ensure that others really understand what you are saying.


The New Moon on the 22nd is a good day to connect with those who live near you, remembering that neighbors can be some of our greatest allies. When Uranus unites with the luminous Sun on the 24thyour sense of generosity and self-confidence bloom. Be aware on the 31st that others’ motives may not be especially forthcoming. Confront them if necessary to better understand where they are coming from.



Your thoughts turn to finances on the 2nd as mental Mercury enters your 2nd House of Money. On the 5th, gracious Venus moves into your 3rd House of Education. It’s a great day to read a book or take a class–you’ll likely get even more from it than usual. Be attentive to what other people say on the 6th. More than likely their words are filled with complements that will boost your self-image.


An emotional Full Moon arrives on the 8th. It may trigger tension between you and a friend or your partner, especially if the relationship has been out of balance recently. Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle on the 12th. Until April 4th be especially attentive to your interactions with others to try to avoid communication snafus. When the Moon is in your sign on the 20th and 21st, you’re in the flow.


On the 22nd, write down a list of the new skills and talents you’d like to develop this year. It’s a powerful way for Pisces to channel the energy of today’s New Moon. On the 23rd, Mercury floats back into your sign. It’s a great time to re-examine the way you communicate who you are with the world.


You may feel zapped with energy on the 24th. It’s a day where you’ll notice yourself and other people wanting to break out of their routines. On the 27th and 28th, your attention turns to your family. Being at home may feel exceptionally nurturing during these days.




The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

OMTimes Astrology
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