The Magic Number 11:11
The Magic number 11:11
Numerologists believe that events linked to the time 11:11 appear more often than can be explained by chance or coincidence. This belief is related to the concept of synchronicity. Some authors claim that seeing 11:11 on a clock is an auspicious sign. Others claim that 11:11 signals a spirit presence.The belief that the time 11:11 has mystical powers has been adopted by believers in New Age philosophies.
A person who sees the synchronicity in coincidence, usually through the repeated observance of the time and number, 11:11 (1111), though other numbers can be substituted for fixation.
a member of a growing phenomenon of people who fixate on the number 11:11, while believing it fixates on them. usually starts as a personal obsession, before finding out they are not alone in their number preference, or its preference for them.
Other MASTER NUMBERS 11, 22, 33, 44
Astro Numerologist Jesse Kalsi discusses the astrology and numerology of why certain pattern of numbers are seen by people at different times. Numbers is the language of the universe and the universe speaks to us through numbers.
Author of “The Power Of Home Numbers” Chapter 2: This number represents the energy of the Sun twice.
The number 11 is known to be a “master” number. It is a name number for many famous people, some seen on television or on the big screen.
Dates of birth and names with the energy of 11 are extremely powerful; famous actors, TV personalities, and athletes have this name number. Politicians with this name energy face strong opposition but always prevail.