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Light More Light!

By Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmacharidiwali-light-more-light

Diwali 2012 is celebrated for 5 days beginning November 13th.

In India, we celebrate an annual Festival called Diwali, which is the Celebration of Light. But most of those who celebrate this festival spend all their means to purchase lights to illuminate the world outside them. Fortunate are those who dive deep into the inner world to see the true Festival of Light within.

The lights of the outside world are man-made, hence, extinguishable. But the flame or the light of consciousness is self-effulgent and it is eternal. We don’t have to light it, but we have to move towards it to see that it is perpetually there, aglow.

The sages say, “Those who have seen that Light beyond all darkness, become the embodiment of the light of Wisdom, of transcendental bliss.” We are born of light; we are the light to light the darkness around.

Remembrance of this essence is the true celebration of Diwali, the celebration of light.

Divine Light is not the light of the external world. It is the light of your inner world, the halo of your spirit, the light of your existential reality. Humans all over the world are seekers of this light. No one loves to live in dungeons.

When the mind is obsessed with negative thoughts and emotions you are caught in the whirlpool of dark forces. Fear possesses you, anxieties torture you, you are most uneasy. When the light of your inner spirit delights you, the grace of the divine descends upon you, you feel lit up from within and the world outside appears joyful and shining. As such, you usually see the world through a fault-finding mind. See the world instead through the light of your spirit and the world appears to be flawless, exquisite and ethereal. You will see colors galore!

The light of the spirit empowers your eyes to turn from without to within, from the objective world of mirage and myths to the subjective world of divine illumination, ecstatic celebration. When you are reading these lines don’t you feel a sense of calm and happiness? We’re talking of light and that’s the reason you’re lit up! Where there is light, the evil forces of the ego cannot work upon you, the hostile forces cannot grip you. Negative forces cannot reach you. You are in the safe zone of Divine Light.

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