Lessons of the Heart Chakra
National Heart Awareness Month: Lessons of the Heart Chakra
by Andrew Pacholyk, MS L.Ac
Our Heart Chakra rules our connection to others and ourselves. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity.
As air is the elemental association to the Heart Chakra, breath is the association to life! It is an exchange of electrons. Air is the primary nutrient and breathing is our flow of energy. Survival without it is measured in minutes. It is so important that you do it without thinking. Your breathing is the voice of your spirit. It’s depth, smoothness, sound, and rate, reflect our mood. If you become aware of your breath and breathe the way you do when you are calm you will become calm.
Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing. Breathing air in can even help stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders. Focusing on the breath is one of the most common and fundamental techniques for accessing the meditative state. Breath is a deep rhythm of the body that connects us intimately.
When we take a deep breath, we truly love ourselves. When our Sacral Chakra is out of balance, we can feel negative emotions such as hatred, guilt, selfishness, paranoia, impatience, and self-pity. We can have powerful, passionate feelings for others, but will only love another or do something for them on the condition that they love or do something for us first. We are a hard-hearted, unsympathetic, self-centered person. We are afraid to love others, and unable to love ourselves.
The post Lessons of the Heart Chakra appeared first on OMTimes Magazine.