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July 2012 Monthly Horoscopes & Overview

By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

crescent moon cMrObjective 150x150 July 2012 Monthly Horoscopes & Overview

Planetary Ingresses and Lunations:

July 3rd: Full Moon in Capricorn

During the Capricorn Full Moon, your inbox or voicemail may contain promising messages regarding a career opportunity, if that’s what you seek at this time. Your efforts during the past couple of weeks could generate the kind of response that you’ve been hoping for. Although there may not be a guarantee of a new position, getting feedback is always great for your self-esteem.


If you’ve been questioning your recent  decisions, you may become more certain by what the universe seems to be sending your way. Your hunches have gotten you this far in life. Continue following the many leads that arise.


A proactive attitude allows you to feel in charge of your own destiny. There is a delicate balance between financial security and meaningful employment. Where are you in that balance? You may want to narrow your search. Perhaps you need to investigate further career options or research the benefits that a certain company has to offer.

You might also want to check out the stock performance or the track record of a business you’re considering an investment in. A little diligence on your part should grant you a step towards fulfilling your goals. As the moon begins to wane, you might want to make a decision about any long terms plans you have been considering.

July 3rd: Mars moves into Libra

Under the influence of Mars in Libra, and depending on how this transit affects your natal chart, you might find yourself putting other people’s needs before your own. It might be harder than usual to figure out what you want because you’re so tuned into others’ feelings. This can lead to indecision and spinning your mental wheels, endlessly weighing all the possible scenarios rather than jumping in and committing to a course of action. In fact, you might even have a fear of commitment now, preferring to keep your options open.


Harmony is important to you now, and you may hesitate to assert your own desires for fear of upsetting people or rocking the boat in any way. While you might have a hard time standing up for yourself, when it comes to standing up for other people, you’re a passionate champion for the underdog. You’ve got a strong sense of fairness and are willing to fight for justice.


During this transit, you might have a tendency to suppress your anger, which could lead to feelings of frustration and irritation. At worst, your behavior could become passive-aggressive, as you try to manipulate outcomes instead of asserting yourself more directly. You might need to take the risk of temporarily upsetting the external harmony by being honest about your feelings, in order to create a more authentic and lasting peace.


July 13th: Uranus turns retrograde

Uranus is the oddball of the solar system, in more ways than one. For starters, it rolls along its equator instead of spinning upright in its orbit, the way a proper planet does. For another, the discovery of this almost-invisible planet rocked the astronomical world — Saturn, previously the outermost clearly visible planet, was no longer the edge of our planetary panoply. Truly revolutionary!


Like all the other planets except the Sun and Moon, which are not truly planets, Uranus periodically turns retrograde in its orbit, seeming to stop in its tracks for about two weeks and then appearing to move backward along its path through the Zodiac. After five months, it slows down again and seems to turn around once more, resuming travel in its original direction.


These points at which the planet seems to turn around — and remember, retrogradation is only an optical illusion — are called ‘stationary points,’ and are the times when the planet’s energies or qualities are most noticeable in the entire cycle of the planet. When Uranus is stationary, watch both the news and your personal life for unbelievable headlines. It’s times like these that produced the saying, ‘Truth is stranger than fiction.’


During the retrograde period, our more outrageous inclinations may be less evident, though occasionally, for someone who’s normally rather repressed, this period will provide the opportunity to throw off the shackles of inhibition and allow a freer self to emerge. This is the ultimate triumph of Uranus Retrograde.


July 14th: Mercury turns retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has worked its way into mass consciousness. The moment a communication snafu occurs, folks blame Mercury Retrograde! The truth is, not all miscommunications can be laid at the feet of this little planet. But it does behoove us to observe a few simple principles about this event.


Mercury appears to turn backward in its path around the Zodiac three times every year, for about twenty-one or twenty-two days at a time. So every four months, you get a three-week pause in which to catch up on old correspondence, read the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand and make phone calls to friends and family.


Everyone knows that Mercury Retrograde is a great time to do things that start with ‘re’: repair, reduce, reconsider, recreate. But what else can you do to bring out the best energy of this period? Certainly, thoughts turn more inward than outward, so taking care of personal affairs is a great idea. Follow your gut instead of following your head. This is a great time to practice yoga, meditation or any activity that centers your mind and body.


If you can avoid signing a contract during Mercury Retrograde, fine. If not, go through it carefully a couple of times and get help if you need it. Try not to buy electronic equipment during this period, or travel, because delays and snafus seem to abound. Above all, don’t worry! Life moves forward even when Mercury seems to be going backward.

July 19th: New Moon in Cancer

The Cancer New Moon calms you down for a reflective period when you focus on yourself. Cancer reminds you to think about things closest to your heart and home. You may find yourself evaluating your feelings about your home life, your childhood, and even issues of self-love.


A need for security lies just beneath the surface of your feelings. If any aspect of your life feels unsafe, this is the time to consider what your remedies should be. If someone you live with is constantly overstepping their boundaries with you, then perhaps it is time to move them out of your home or to move yourself out of the situation.


If something feels unsettled between you and your family, your might consider starting therapy or getting them involved in a family session with you. Deeply  personal and emotional issues will be prominent now.


If you aren’t getting the appreciation that you feel you deserve, than it is time to do something about it. You shouldn’t have to deal with difficult people in your own home nor put up with loved ones who are anything but loving. Create a space for yourself that is completely your own, a retreat where you feel replenished every time you go there, a place that is your personal sacred space and off-limits to everyone else. Let your intuition guide you.

July 22nd: the Sun moves into Leo

Under the bright light of the Leo Sun, and depending on how it shines on other planets in your birth chart, you might find yourself longing for recognition. You now want to stand out and be seen and appreciated just for being your unique self. You may become more aware of what makes you special — your talents, personality, and past experience — and you want other people to notice too!


Leo rules the heart, and love is in the air. You might be more romantic than usual, surprising your sweetie with flowers or chocolates. You’ll certainly appreciate being showered with gifts yourself! Leo is the king or queen, and both giving and receiving the royal treatment are highly satisfying.


Creative energy is strong, and this is a great time to devote yourself to your artistic passions and stoke your creative fire. Drama is Leo’s specialty, and when the need for self-expression isn’t honored, melodrama can result.


You need more playtime now, and your inner child is calling for attention. Taking time to have fun and do something frivolous can help you recharge your batteries.


Monthly Horoscopes:



On the Full Moon on the 3rd your mind turns to your career and how to make it even more rewarding. See if there is a way to engage your family in support of your goals. Also, today your planetary ruler Mars moves into your 7th House of Partnerships. While you want to spend your time with a loved one, you may perceive them as being exceptionally pushy.

Out-of-the-blue bursts of energy occur on the 13th when innovative Uranus goes retrograde. Stay focused to avoid minor accidents and mishaps. Marshal your patience with others, especially children, on the 14th. That’s when messenger Mercury goes retrograde, and miscommunication is likely to occur. The 17th should be quite an intense day as Mars aligns with both expansive Jupiter and powerful Pluto. Conflict that has been brewing comes to the surface today. You may need to let something go in order to best support attaining your long-terms goals.

On the 18th Mars opposes Uranus and you crave space and freedom. Carve out time in your day to do whatever you want, or else you could find yourself somewhat irritable.  Get together with family members on the Cancer New Moon on the 19th. It can begin a fulfilling new phase in your relationships. On the 22nd your mind is bright and filled with creative ideas. As the Sun moves into Leo, it lights up your desire to instill more romance and play into your life. On the 31st, you feel jazzed about your work.



Emotions are stirred on the Full Moon on the 3rd, likely by something you see in the news. Examine whether learning more about the situation can help you gain additional perspective and a sense of calm. If you are feeling overly tense, ideas for stress relievers include working on a crafts project or spending time with animals. You’ll feel better the next day, finding yourself especially festive on the 4th. Your planetary ruler Venus aligns with both communicative Mercury and innovative Uranus. Conversations flow, inspiring your mind with new ideas.

On the 7th, a group experience triggers deep feelings, potentially from childhood. Don’t forget that you have valuable special talents that are worth contributing. Sleep patterns could be interrupted around the 13th when energetic Uranus goes retrograde in your 12th House of Dreams. You may also notice that your intuition is supercharged.

On the 14th, messenger Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle. Until August 8th, pay particular attention to dialogues with family members, as there’s a potential for greater miscommunication. Have you been looking to start a new book or begin a relationship anew with a neighbor? Consider doing so on the New Moon on the 19th. “Home is where the heart is” rings very true on the 22nd.

You’ll feel especially nurtured spending time around the house. Do something nice for yourself on the 31st, something that enhances your sense of well-being. Even if it requires you to spend a little money, the value it provides will far outweigh the cost.



The Full Moon on the 3rd illuminates that sometimes it’s not productive to think that you can everything on your own. Remember it’s OK to ask for help. On the 4th, your planetary ruler Mercury aligns with gracious Venus, innovative Uranus, and powerful Pluto. You could meet someone new or have a conversation with an old friend that gets your mind racing with brilliant ideas.

Don’t be surprised if social plans or a scheduled meeting change at the last minute on the 13th. It’s the day when Uranus goes retrograde in your 11th House of Groups. On the 14th, messenger Mercury begins its three-week retrograde cycle. Until August 8th, be especially diligent with communications of all kind in order to avoid potential misunderstandings. You find yourself thinking up new ideas on how to generate income on the New Moon on the 19th.

You’re focused on romance on the 22nd and your communications take on a special playfulness. You’re feeling especially open-minded on the 24th – you crave learning something new. Yet, issues of feeling vulnerable at work may surface. Don’t overreact—just sit with the feelings and see how they inform you.

Rewarding experiences come your way via social media interactions on the 25th. Just remember to be careful whom to trust or else you may find yourself filled with regret on the 26th. When Mercury unites with the Sun on the 26th you feel really confident. It’s a day to be enjoyed—life is good.


The 3rd may be quite an intense day for Cancer. The Full Moon illuminates the sky while illuminating tension in your relationship life. Disagreements may arise with your partner or a close friend. If one of you has been attending to their own needs at the expense of the other’s this may become noticeable.

With Mars also moving into your 4th house of Roots today, your emotions feel especially charged. On the 10th special fulfillment can be found through work. It feels really good to do what you do. The unexpected manifests when innovative Uranus goes retrograde on the 13th in your 10th House of Responsibility. Be open to new ideas about how your career path could unfold in the future.

On the 14th, messenger Mercury begins its three-plus week retrograde cycle. During this time—and especially today—be extremely clear when communicating about your finances. Take extra time to check over the details and fine points related to fiscal matters.

During the Cancer New Moon on the 19th, you may feel especially aligned body, mind and spirit. If you have been considering a style makeover, a new way to express yourself to the world, today is a good day for this. When the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, your self-confidence surges. And with that, your skills and talents are more readily recognized.

Spend some quality time at home on the 24th—it should be especially nurturing.  Plan a date for the 31st—you’ll want to be around someone special.



The Full Moon illuminates the sky on the 3rd. For Leo, it illuminates ways in which you can best be of service to others. A streak of laziness could overcome you on the 10th. That’s OK as long as it doesn’t get in the way of something that is important to you.

The 13th holds a few surprises since it’s the day erratic Uranus goes retrograde. Be open-minded when it comes to opportunities to re-evaluate your goals. Yet be careful not to get swept up in lofty visions that are most likely unrealistic. On the 14th, messenger Mercury begins its three-plus week retrograde journey. During this period, you’ll want to be very diligent that something you say isn’t taken out of context.

When your planetary ruler, the Sun, squares Saturn on the 15th, hard work can pay off in spades. Take some time off on the New Moon on the 19th to do what you need to recharge your personal batteries. On the 22nd the Sun moves into your sign and you’re radiating with vitality and pride. You have a tendency to set unrealistic expectations on the 24th, whether it be upon yourself or someone with whom you are close.

On the 28th your mind is sharp—whether it be reading, conversing or working on a creative project, you have access to great ideas. Try to see things from a different perspective on the 31st. Doing so will greatly expand your appreciation for life. It will also bolster your confidence as to what you are capable of achieving.



On the 3rd the Full Moon illuminates the sky. One of the things it illuminates for Virgo is the importance of feeling recognized for contributions made to a group project. On the 4th, your planetary ruler Mercury aligns with gracious Venus, innovative Uranus, and transformative Pluto. Adopting a new approach to joint ventures, including intimate relationships, may prove to be very valuable.

Unexpected news about joint finances may come your way on the 13th. This is the day that Uranus goes retrograde. Speaking of retrograde, messenger Mercury enters this three-plus week period on the 14th. Be especially attentive when you’re communicating to ensure that people understand what you’re saying.

Dream big on the New Moon on the 19th, considering all your hopes and wishes. Focusing on these things today can help plant seeds for them to manifest. You’ve got the gusto to get the job done on the 22nd. Spending time alone today can give you the additional focus you need to get your thoughts more organized and your priorities aligned.

On the 24th, you’ve got luck on your side. Some additional money may come your way. Expand your idea of what is possible on the 25th. Keeping an open mind, and even trying something new on for size, may bring you great rewards. This is especially true in your closest relationships. With Mercury uniting with the Sun, you radiate great brilliance on the 28th. It’s a day to do the things you love. Just be careful not to be too critical of others or you may unknowingly ruffle some feathers.


The Full Moon on the 3rd illuminates for you how a peaceful home life is really important. This is especially true when it comes to balancing the stress of work demands. Given that assertive Mars also enters your sign today, you’re filled with energy and drive.

On the 4th, your planetary ruler Venus is in harmony with both communicative Mercury and innovative Uranus. A friend or loved one may surprise you—whether it be a social invitation, a sweet note, or a gift, an unexpected offering will add radiance to your day. On the 13th, people seem highly charged, or maybe a bit more anxious. This is because Uranus turns retrograde today. You find yourself especially visionary on the 14th, connecting in with your hopes and wishes. Messenger Mercury begins its retrograde cycle today. For the next three-plus weeks, be especially attentive to your interactions with others to avoid communication snafus.

Consider new work goals on the New Moon the 19th. Focus in on what you want to achieve in your career in the next year. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Leo; social media as well as interactions within your non-virtual communities take on greater import. The 24th is an especially graceful day where everything seems really harmonious. That’s because the Moon is in your sign.

Have you been working hard on changing the way you project your self-image to the world? If so you could notice some rewards for your efforts on the 31st.


On the 3rd, the Full Moon illuminates the sky. For Scorpio it illuminates the need to gather more information before setting out to accomplish important goals. On the 4th be careful that innocent gossip doesn’t come back to haunt you. Spending time at home on the 6th should feel especially juicy.

When Uranus goes retrograde on the 13th you get an unexpected opportunity to pursue a health-enhancing activity. The 14th brings the beginning of messenger Mercury’s three-plus week retrograde cycle. During this time be especially careful when communicating at work to avoid misunderstandings and information falling through the cracks.

Have you been sensing some discord in a relationship? The conflict may come to the surface on the 17th. Have perseverance to see the situation through to a space of greater resolve. If someone presents you with an opportunity on the 18th that seems too good to be true, it very well may be. Review your goals and missions for the year on the 19th. That’s when the New Moon falls in your 9th House of Vision.

When the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd it begins a month-long period where you shine more brightly at work. Just be careful what you say to a co-worker on the 26th. It may seem innocent but there’s a chance that if not stated clearly, its intent could be taken out of context. The 30th is a great day for a reality check. Ask yourself whether your goals and desires are truly aligned.


The 2nd is a day filled with déjà vu experiences. On the 3rd a Full Moon illuminates the sky. For Sagittarius it illuminates a way to feel self-reliant while also inherently trusting another person. On the 13th when innovative Uranus goes retrograde, don’t be surprised if you are caught off guard. A child may do something that you didn’t expect, or you may feel overcome by an unanticipated surge of creative inspiration. If you feel the stress in your body, do some gentle exercise to release the tension.

Messenger Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th so it’s important to be as clear as possible with your communications. The next three-plus weeks offers Sagittarius opportunities to re-evaluate the goals you’ve set for yourself. The phrase “Where there’s a will there’s a way” will ring true on the 17th as a sense of determination overtakes you.

Survey your closest partnership on the New Moon on the 19th. See if there is a way to begin an even more enriching chapter of this relationship. Schedule in some fun on the 22nd. Invite along a friend and enjoy a new activity or something you haven’t done in a while. The experience may even unexpectedly add to your “bigger picture” understanding of life.

On the 24th, interactions with a family member could trigger feeling of vulnerability. Consider whether it’s possible to shed old wounds to make space for greater peace. You’re feeling optimistic on the 29th when the Moon is in your sign.


The Full Moon on the 3rd may be especially pivotal for Capricorn since the Moon is in your sign. While the day may bring emotional stress, what it illuminates is the importance of honoring your individual needs while in relationship. Try to nip the tension in the bud, or else it may cause waves of disturbances at home.

Want to nurture your energy and spirits on the 10th? Rent a movie and enjoy a home-cooked meal. You could be caught off guard by a relative’s actions on the 13th when innovative Uranus goes retrograde. The feelings the situation elicits may surprise you. Messenger Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th. For the next three-plus weeks, be diligent with communications. This is especially important around the subjects of money and intimate matters.

The 15th could be frustrating, notably if you feel you’re not authentically being yourself. Does the situation really require you to restrain your self-expression, or are you doing so out of fear? Have you wanted to begin a new relationship or initiate a fresh stage in an existing one? If so, envision what this would look like on the New Moon on the 19th.

When the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, you’re drawn to figuring out a mystery that has eluded you. Taking on additional responsibilities feels especially nurturing on the 24th. It’s as if you can do no wrong at work on the 31st. People appreciate you for the important contributions you make—which is always music to the ear of any Capricorn.



On the 3rd a Full Moon illuminates the sky. For Aquarius it illuminates how sometimes it’s important to take some time away from others to relax and rejuvenate. Your planetary ruler Uranus is in harmony with both mental Mercury and gracious Venus on the 4th. It’s a great day for social gatherings, mind-expanding dialogues, and fun!

When innovative Uranus goes retrograde on the 13th, don’t be surprised if you feel temporarily off you’re A-game. Be especially attuned today to your neighbors and siblings—they may share some important, yet unanticipated, information. On the 14th messenger Mercury begins its three-plus week retrograde journey. During this time, be especially clear with your communications, especially with friends and your significant other.

You’re caught off guard on the 18th as you perceive that someone has overstepped their bounds. Consider whether they truly were overly aggressive. Or are you upset because you didn’t fully act to assert yourself? Discerning which one it is—and it may be both—has immense value.

The New Moon on the 19th falls in your 6th House of Health. It’s a great day to consider new dietary, exercise and relaxation approaches to incorporate into your self-care routine. Friends offer you great advice on the 25th. Work not only feels especially juicy on the 26th but is also a source of great fulfillment.

When the Sun makes a friendly trine to Uranus on the 31st, spend some quality time with a friend or your partner. Doing so will contribute immensely to your sense of self-empowerment.


On the 3rd, the Full Moon illuminates the sky. For Pisces it reveals the importance of contributing to a collective project while still maintain a sense of individuality. With assertive Mars moving into your 8th House of Joint Resources today, you could also find yourself stressed over money matters. Spending time with others can help to foster a greater sense of peace.

On the 8th you find yourself connecting to undercover desires. Your drive and ambition may seem so strong that it surprises you. Expect the unexpected on the 13th when innovative Uranus goes retrograde. Pay attention to your finances so that you are not caught off guard. On the flip side, you may come into an unexpected stream of income, even if it’s just finding a few dollars in your pocket.

Messenger Mercury begins its three-plus week retrograde period on the 14th. Watch out for miscommunications during this time, especially with co-workers or your healthcare practitioners. Have you wanted to start a new creative project or find a way to bring more play into your life? If so the New Moon on the 19th offers you a great time to focus on the possibilities.

When the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, you’re galvanized to do something good for your health. You could notice that your energy slips on the 24th. Do what you need to rest and recharge your batteries. Your mind is focused upon taking care of responsibilities on the 29th. Attending to your to-do list should feel really good.

The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

OMTimes Astrology
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