Intuitive Tarot Reading 20 June 2015
Intuitive Tarot Reading 20 June 2015
Free tarot reading for 20 June 2015 using the Cosmic tarot cards, their psychic meanings and numerology vibrations. Visit for private astrology, tarot, numerology readings and more information.
This tarot reading includes today’s psychic numerology vibration ➸➸➸ 1
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Gregory Scott is a British, German-born Astrologer, Numerologist and Tarot Expert with 20 years experience as an intuitive and spiritual practitioner who spent his formative years in South Africa.
Gregory’s astrological chart contains a triple earth placement; a Virgo Sun, Taurus Ascendant and Capricorn Moon. His strong connection to this earthly reality allows for concrete guidance and specific time frames in all his readings.
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With so much love, Gregory
🙂 I don’t think you’re boring at all, in fact you’re intuitions and insights have been most helpful at bringing out my ability to self analyze! What you talked about today was especially helpful, for I have recently experienced a relationship, in which I thought, I was well liked, until I was told my hair wasn’t right, my nails needed done, and by golly, I didn’t wear enough makeup:( This made me very sad, and after receiving these admonishments from said acquaintance, I became very self conscience in his presence, and felt bad, like I was not good enough, like I could never be pleasing enough for him no matter what I change about myself. I realized, that what he had done or said, was not right; it was hurtful. I have to accept me, and if i’m not a good fit for someone else, then I have to accept that as well. I will not run through hoops to try to appease someone else’s vanity. To think I liked “loved” this man enough for him to really hurt me, has messed with my self worth. But after all is said and done, I stood up for my own well being and walked away from what my whole being was saying to walk away from. I felt drained and sick, thinking and wanting to work it out with him, but my body said no, even though my heart kept saying, why do I love him then? Love brings us full circle, I love him and still do, but I also love me, and sometimes love says of relationships, the most loving thing you can do, for all parties involved, is to let go and move on. One should never have to appease another in appearance or personalty to be loved and accepted..
Thank you, I was needing this message today!