In Our OMpinion Dreams- Another Approach
By Victoria Pendragon
Ra Uru Hu, conduit for the masterful system, Human Design (also sometimes referred to as Gene Keys because of its association with our DNA), once said that dreams belong to everyone, that they are not meant for the dreamer, as the dreamer, but are meant to be shared with your tribe, whatever that might mean to you – possibly only your significant other, friends or family but it could be your community, online or geographic. Dreams, he pointed out, happen in a state when our consciousness is wide open and not in any way restricted by the limitations of our bodies, minds or imaginations. Your dreams, he said, are not yours; they belong to everybody.
Now I know this flies in the face of many different takes on the interpretation of dreams over the centuries…but it also echoes a number of references to dream sharing among indigenous peoples, notable among them, the aborigines of Australia whose dreamtime paintings are a perpetual wonder and whose ability to be both in the moment and truly grounded on the earth is legendary. I resonate with Ra’s view on dreams because it supports my own cautionary advice to would-be seekers: unless a dream smacks you in the face with a dramatic and immediate reaction or a sudden awakening into a knowledge that you didn’t have before, then the only thing you need to notice about a dream is, “How did it make me feel?” Because from the moment you move through the hypnopompic trance state and into full waking consciousness, you are no longer where you were when you were dreaming and your mind has taken over the wheel and “what you feel” becomes a far more accurate record of what your body may be attempting to point out you via the dream because feelings are the language of the body.
The mind is a fabulous calculator, retainer of ‘facts’ and a wonderful organizer and scheduler and it has no part in the trans-personal event that is the dream state. Allowing the mind to interpret a dream after the fact is akin to allowing you or me to interpret something transmitted by a being from another planet where they speak through their skin in drops of unidentifiable liquid.