How “Quantum” Became The New Household Word
by Rick DiClemente
It was the middle of the afternoon on January 4, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and few if any knew what was happening. Even though the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn had just occurred about 6 hours earlier, it would take more than a star-gazer to realize the ramifications of what just had exploded above them.
Two massive planetary bodies, Uranus (U) and Jupiter (J), had just lined up with the earth. This alignment happens approximately every 14 years. But this time, the two were in the late degrees of Pisces and that hadn’t happened since 1927. That’s one complete revolution of Uranus, 84 years.
Astrologically, when these two effervescent planets align, they signify rapid leaps of scientific discovery (J), sudden growth of public awareness (J), spontaneously expanded perceptions, merging of social concerns (J) with technology (U), and major breakthroughs (U). This pairing pushes past status-quo stale boundaries with great enthusiasm and a sudden sense of impatience and readiness. These two speak of liberation (U) and creativity (J). Air and Fire.
As with all combinations of planetary influences, there is also an accompanying down-side, a shadow-side, a misuse of the energies that can mutate and manifest in unpredictable ways. The combination of Uranus and Jupiter can loose a wild, destructive, chaotic, irrationality too. It’s called going nutso. This is why, all of a sudden, people were being misinformed, as the media told them the zodiac now had a 13 signs. That wasn’t the case.
Congressman Gabby Giffords’ tragedy happened during this time in Tucson. Right or wrong, more than a few of us were eager to point the blame toward the nation’s angry tone of speech and vitriolic rhetoric in our media. So, we saw the incredible impact such loose talk can have on our society as a whole – words are powerful things (J).
A down-side of Uranus is blaming everything on a mythical, non-existent “them.” That can only result in more abrasiveness, polarization, and hatred. We can’t shrug our collective shoulders anymore. It has filtered into the collective mind. That’s what the Tuscon/Giffords principle did for us. That’s the evolution of consciousness.
Hate radio and hate TV only survive because of those who listen and watch
Of course, during this time, astrologers were bombarded by confused clients! “What do I do now? You mean I’m no longer an Aries?!” During that time, a major epiphany showed that something very special was happening. Yes, there were great misunderstandings abounding, but the degree to which the masses were disquieted was on such a scale that:
Something much bigger was afoot
Many will downplay astrology as malarkey, but don’t dare take away their “Sun sign.” It went deeper than that. Most people may not know that they have 4 or 5 signs well represented in their birth chart or that their chart has many other dimensions, but, they feel at a primal level, collectively, that their archetypal nature is in fact, valid. This new suggested 13th sign, Ophiuchus, didn’t fit; it was simply not workable or acceptable. Ophiuchus “tried” to steal a good number of astrological degrees from Scorpio; that’s not going to happen!