Horoscope for Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Horoscope for Wednesday, November 19, 2014
This is shaping up to be a challenging week for a lot of people. The Sun and Pluto will be in aspect today, which will most likely cause an event that we will be forced to handle. While we’re in the throes of the happenings, we won’t be afraid to state our positions and to take control of situations. The Sun is also approaching an angle to Uranus. We are going to be feeling as though we want to break away from anything that has been binding us. The Moon will be void-of-course, which will give us breathing room to make conscious assessments. Click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.
The Word of the Day is STRATEGY. When things happen today, we’ll need to take our time to figure out the best path to resolution.
The Color of the Day is HOT FUDGE. (It’s rich brown.) Pour over the details that will help us find correct conclusions today, wearing something in the color of chocolaty hot fudge!