Horoscope for Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Horoscope for Wednesday, January 21, 2015
This week’s electricity continues to spark with the after effects of the New Moon and the Sun at angle to Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. It will be a day when we should try to tune into our intuition, because ideas will invariably pop into our heads that will give us answers to problems or challenges that we may have been struggling with. The complication is that we may be so swamped by the situation that we haven’t been able to step back far enough to get some perspective. Today, we’ll need to keep our eyes open for solutions.
The Word of the Day is AWARENESS. Although the boundaries may blur today, our inspirations free us and we can triumph over obstacles.
The Color of the Day is SCORPION. (It’s dark yellow.) Call the effects of the transformative creature and rise above the depths by wearing something in the color of the scorpion today.