Horoscope for Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Mercury will be turning retrograde by the end of the week, so it would be good to start organizing our plans concerning large purchases, signed contracts and significant communications we will need to make by the end of the week. But, we shouldn’t actually buy things and write important letters today because the Moon’s void-of-course condition will distract our minds from regiment and our thoughts may not concise or well focused. Click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone. The Moon will be in the later degrees of Sagittarius, so it will be good to consider the things we really want to aspire to getting accomplished.
The Word of the Day is FLEXIBLE. While we aspire to the peak of our goals, things will happen during the day and ideas will come about that may keep us open to change.
The Color of the Day is IRIS. (It’s a beautiful blend of rich blue and purple.) We attract increased ability to keep our energy flowing today by wearing something in the color iris.