Horoscope for Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Since yesterday the Sun has been in aspect to Chiron (the asteroid between Jupiter and Saturn that some astrologers believe to be the ruler of the sign Virgo). These two days represent a time when we can begin to break away from past wounds and set them behind us. We’ll want to be free of whatever is weighing us down. With the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in Libra, the sign of relationships, we can be more imaginative in figuring out how to go about implementing the healing and smoothing of whatever rough edges we encounter.
The Word of the Day is CLOSE. Bring touchy subjects near, address them and then move on to get the most out of the day today.
The Color of the Day is DAWN. (It’s golden.) Today is a day of healing and recovery. Wearing the color of the dawn will increase our chances of revitalizing and refreshing.