Horoscope for Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Sun enters the sign Leo today, where it shines brightest for each of us. Over the next month we are going to focus more upon ourselves, and what we want from life. When we consider our own needs, we are then be able to act aggressively and happily with the knowledge that we are doing the best we can. Our greatest fulfillment will come from expressing ourselves completely. It is the one month of the year that gives us the natural focus on our own creations and ego indulgences.
The Word of the Day is PERFORMANCE. The Sun has entered Leo, pushing people to show the world what they can do. Enjoy entertainment today with the knowledge that people are giving it their all!
The Color of the Day is YELLOW. (It’s an undiluted primary color.) The Sun proudly enters the strongest sign, Leo today. We should wear as much yellow as we can get on to call the energy of the Sun to assist us in the effective pursuit of our goals.