Horoscope for Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Our inner planets – Mercury and Venus will be our guides today. Venus’ travels by a star today can cause important breaks in the flow of significant relationships . Our thoughts and inspirations skip along at such a surprising rate our bodies may not be able to keep up. Mercury is at thwarting angle to Mars, so at day’s end we may be frustrated with the things we didn’t get done, but the progress made should not be overlooked as unimportant. The Moon’s travels through the sign Cancer will ensure that things are done with care.
The Word of the Day is BOUNCE. Enjoy variety of thought and action today.
The Color of the Day is LIPSTICK RED. (It’s bright red.) Keep up the momentum of the Mercury/Mars angle today wearing something in the glossy color of red lipstick.